A record of those unimportant little things that are too important to be forgotten.
Tuesday, August 10, 2021
Time honoured
6:34 am. On the tarmac outside The Rickety Old Farmhouse a large spider attracts Sophie's attention. This has to be studied and glared at before we can get on our way. The large spider is probably unaware it is being glared at. This in so way detracts from Sophie's sense of purpose.
We head off up the hill and through the sunflower fields. A large Kite circles overhead - a full size bigger than the more common place eagles or buzzards . It makes a shrill whistling noise as it goes. A balmy 18 degrees this morning. It is forecast to get into the low 30's this afternoon. For the next month or so the highlights of Sophie's day will be long morning and evening walks with extensive heat avoiding naps in between.
The rain of recent weeks has given way to blue skies interspersed with bubbly clouds. On our way back through the village it's clear that the population of 67 souls has been reduced to barely half a dozen. Not a person to be seen. Angus notes that the flags remain up on the war memorial. That's 27 days. The previous mayor took them down after 3. The question now is whether they make it to 45 ?
While we're out The Old Farmer has been busy. He has got to that ' putting everything in order' stage of life. Two trailers and the Peugeot Estate are clustered together in front of his house. A piece of old hardboard with AV ( For Sale ) sprayed on it in bright orange letters has been placed in the high sided ex-Army trailer. Traffic through the village is light at the best of times. In high summer it's two cars an hour in the rush hour and a car an hour for the rest of the day. Passing buyers are likely to be few and far between for these time honoured possessions. One chapter end another begins.
Sophie does indeed look very purposeful in both shots today. In our neighborhood, it's not spiders but giant buzzing cicadas that are falling from the trees as they reach the end of their brief lifespans. Charlie thinks that pouncing on them is the best thing ever. My husband was worried he might get sick if he eats one, so I googled it and found a large number of posts on this from the recent locust invasion in the US - apparently lots of dogs eat cicadas and it's not an issue unless they eat a whole bunch. (Just in case anyone was wondering!)
Bertie would love to travel to a place where overeating of cicadas was a hazard for dogs, but his owner has firmly informed him that this is not going to happen!
It was a cooler 26ºC here, with a very strong wind, when we came back from our morning walk about half an hour ago. The sun has yet to make an appearance over the hill behind the house! Some rain would be most welcome, but I realise the wisdom of "be careful what you wish for" after seeing the devastating floods in other parts of mainland Europe. I've had to curtail our evening walks for the time being - just as I did this time last year. It's far too hot, and still in the low 30's at 9 p.m. I wonder if The Old Farmer has plans to drive round with the old trailer until he comes upon a likely buyer? Has he tried the German billionaire yet? How about the local shopping Mall!
Hari OM Well, bless TOF for trying at least. Is there not a local on-line showcase that Angus might help him advertise on? Or a poster up in the local market town...
Yes, a very purposeful Sophie today. Such excellent clarity with your new camera, Angus. And I add my thanks for the many sunflower pictures - always a high point of the year.
Sophie does indeed look very purposeful in both shots today. In our neighborhood, it's not spiders but giant buzzing cicadas that are falling from the trees as they reach the end of their brief lifespans. Charlie thinks that pouncing on them is the best thing ever. My husband was worried he might get sick if he eats one, so I googled it and found a large number of posts on this from the recent locust invasion in the US - apparently lots of dogs eat cicadas and it's not an issue unless they eat a whole bunch. (Just in case anyone was wondering!)
Bertie would love to travel to a place where overeating of cicadas was a hazard for dogs, but his owner has firmly informed him that this is not going to happen!
It was a cooler 26ºC here, with a very strong wind, when we came back from our morning walk about half an hour ago. The sun has yet to make an appearance over the hill behind the house! Some rain would be most welcome, but I realise the wisdom of "be careful what you wish for" after seeing the devastating floods in other parts of mainland Europe. I've had to curtail our evening walks for the time being - just as I did this time last year. It's far too hot, and still in the low 30's at 9 p.m.
I wonder if The Old Farmer has plans to drive round with the old trailer until he comes upon a likely buyer? Has he tried the German billionaire yet? How about the local shopping Mall!
Loving the sunflowers and blue skies.
Hari OM
Well, bless TOF for trying at least. Is there not a local on-line showcase that Angus might help him advertise on? Or a poster up in the local market town...
Ever grateful for the sunflower views. YAM xx
Yes, a very purposeful Sophie today. Such excellent clarity with your new camera, Angus. And I add my thanks for the many sunflower pictures - always a high point of the year.
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