Monday, July 8, 2024

The sound of bees.

The weather forecast says it's going to be a  warm sunny day but adds ' listeners in Scotland should be on the look out for heavy, slow moving, showers'. 

God bless France. When the electorate wants to surprise they do so in spades .

In the courtyard Puppy and her elder sister are hoping for an invite to breakfast.

One of the village cottages has has a rose arch at its front gate. The roses have attracted hundreds of bees who are happily doing whatever bees do. They emit a deep basso profundo buzzing sound that can be heard as we come along the lane and turn the corner by the farmhouse. 

We drive into town.

To the side of the road the light catches a field covered in a white crop.  If we were a thousand miles further south it could be cotton. For a moment I can see why so many Scots settled in the Carolinas.

Something exotic and colourful appears in a university flower bed. It certainly ain't native. We are left to ponder why there is only one of them. 

The start of the school holidays. Families with children have headed off for two weeks at a holiday cottage in France. The town , which has been quiet, now becomes deserted bar the tour groups and the golfers.


WFT Nobby said...

Puppy is looking delightfully expectant.
The rose arch (and sound picture) is lovely.
The new sound from South Africa triggered a loud bout of early morning barking here in my kitchen.
Cheers, Gail
PS A while back Angus noted the demise of the Blog2Print service. On Nobby's blog today we compare the recently received product from PixxiBook with the previous volumes made via Blog2Print:

Angus said...

WFT - Thanks for the PixxiBook insight !

Ruth said...

Puppy, roses and the tunnel of trees followed by the music have made a good start to the week. Thank you.

Yamini MacLean said...

Hari OM
Your mystery flower is Prince Klaus Gladiolus... If Dame Edna had seen these, she may have changed florists! YAM xx

jabblog said...

The rose arch is glorious.

Travel said...

There is a large Scottish immigrant population in Appalachia, eastern Kentucky and Tennessee, western North Carolina, deep in the mountains the accent is still deep.

Anonymous said...

The election in France gives me hope that the US can possibly pull through in November.

The rose arch reminded me of the time in my teens when the queen bee somehow got into our house (unbeknowst to us, of course). The next few days proved challenging as the bees would simply not let us pass to go into our out of the house! Eventually my dad found her and let her out so all was well.


Stephanie said...

What glorious pictures, led by charming Puppy and Noreen. Hurray for France and that there may still be reason for hope.

rottrover said...

So nice to see Puppy and her big sister! Also the roses and the tree arch. One can feel the cool air. Or maybe that's just wishful thinking on my part as temperatures in Los Angeles have been north of 90 (and sometimes 100) for most of the last week. I am becoming a heat-wimp as I get older.

Lisa in France said...

What a good day today, with the election results in France, your lovely photos (that green tunnel!) and some new South African music to enjoy.

Allison said...

I have not used it, but there is another site that people have liked.

Love the rose arch, that is just lovely.