Monday, June 10, 2013

A crust eaten in peace is better than a banquet partaken in anxiety.

More rain. Not that Bob and Sophie are bothered. Sophie, delighted that a new day has started,  leaps up into the back of the car.  Bob , a bit of a sleepy head, has to be lifted in. A trip to the bakers then the cafe under the arcades for the mandatory croissant slivers . Neither of them seems to be perturbed by the 9.00 am church bells. At the newsagent two little old ladies and a bald Belgian man in a white jacket stop to say hello. You can never be alone when travelling with dogs.   When the little angels get home they gnaw my remaining slipper then go out to dig along the hedgerow by the cherry orchard. 

For those of you heading off to work on a Monday morning  a little something to make you smile. A video that has, justifiably, gone viral . It gets wild at the 2:30 point.


Anonymous said...

Well. That work out will be fine along Carnaby Street.
Love the close up of the back of Bob's head watching the world drive by; makes me want to give it a kiss!
Have a great day.

WFT Nobby said...

Love the sound of the church bells.

Bella Roxy & Macdui said...

The pups definitely have the motto 'have dirt, will dig'.

XXXOOO Daisy, Bella & Roxy

Is that prancercise for REAL? Not sure with that hair style.

Kittypup said...

Digger, digger, digger....
Kitty's got her eye on a 'Baton de Jacob'
Have fun x

Duke said...

You have us drooling just looking at those luscious pastries!
We love your new header photo, Bob and Sophie. You are such cuties!

Love ya lots♥
Mitch and Molly

Angus said...

All too real. Prancerising is apparently all the rage ( in certain circles ).

~Kim at Golden Pines~ said...

Do Bob and Sophie have a particular reason for digging in a certain place, or is just all done randomly?

I did enjoy the church bells, but the think that if anyone saw me doing that, I would be prancing my way right into the loony-bin!! :-)

VirginiaC said...

Hope you've also placed an order for slippers on Amazon by now.
The pastry photos always knock me off my feet, they look so delicious. I would never be able to resist.
Loved the church they ring every hour?
I've got to check my closet for a well-cut jacket and a large gold chain before I can start Prancercising, since I've got to look the part. Yes, it's the rage now, but like you said, only in certain circles.
Bob and Sophie sure know how to live each day to the fullest.

Anonymous said...

Pretty sure Sophie has a future in the excavation business. Have you given any thought to recruiting Deere and Cat to use her in their commercials? I feel certain she would be the star of the show. Put a little hard-hat on Bob ad he could be her supervisor.
Karen & Kelly Rathje

houndstooth said...

Have I been living under a rock? How do I not know about Prancercise?! I'm going to be randomly laughing out loud today as I think about the gallop!

I wish I ate as well as Bob and Sophie do! My breakfast seems so boring by comparison!

Anonymous said...

Love the 2nd. video of the bells and the top of one of the dogs head!

Robin Larkspur said...

Never know what you will surprise us with next, Angus! That Prancercise is a little confusing, but also strangely fascinating.

Pamela Terry and Edward said...

I don't know what to say.
I do love the fact that she starts out to what sounds suspiciously like Werewolves of London by Warren Zevon.

Louise said...

Love the vidoe with the bells but why is a dishevelled person sitting on the ground. Funny, I pictured the font as being blonde. And tall with blue eyes. Can"t imagine why.

Watching the gallop gave me a strange and powerful flashback. I was three and inthe backyard. I was sure that if I tried hard enough I would be able to fly.

Anonymous said...

I think that is one of the dogs head you see.

Angus said...

Thank you Louise. This has made our day !

MrsDuncanMahogany said...

That is how I skip into work every morning...thanks for sharing!

The darlings - chewing on your last slipper!

Fi from Four Paws and Whiskers said...

Brought tears to my eyes - had to share it on facebook.... and a friend responded with this version...

myboyzach said...

Ah...digging to China, I see. Tucker will meet them there..he's about 1/2 way done !!!
Prancersise had 6,000,000+ hits?? What have we done by having people post things like this and watching it ???
Back to watching Tucker dig !

Louise said...

You are so welcome, and considering how this blog so often makes my day I'm happy to return the favour!

Emily Frost said...

HOooooooo buddy...Prancercise? Really? I mean, just...REALLY!? That video probably *had* to end due to her having been tackled by a SWAT team on account of exhibiting disturbing behavior in a public park.

Let's think happy thoughts. Mostly about the pastries and village cafe shots above, which are enough to make one swoon...