Sunday, June 23, 2013

The purpose of your existence is yours alone to discover.

The new red bed lasts one night. It has now been removed to the garage. The holes will be repaired and it will be kept until a later date. Can someone explain why beds and blankets are shredded but towels are left alone ?

To the market. The start of the melon season. With so much rain the prices of everything have skyrocketed. The cherry crop has suffered from the heavy rainfall. The lady behind the counter says that output is down by half. The same for melons. As for peaches ....

The workmen are here to install the new shower trays. They mix up cement in the courtyard. This proves irresistible to Bob who believes he should be intimately involved. He is finally consigned to his pen. Sophie is delighted to have free run of the courtyard. She also finds the cement mixing irresistible and soon joins her brother. There is much wailing and whining at the unfairness of life.

After dinner Bob teaches Sophie how to eat roses straight from the bush.


Bella Roxy & Macdui said...

We think any bed labelled 'fatboy' NEEDS to be shredded!

XXXOOO Daisy, Bella & Roxy

opakowana said...

It's simple, really - the difference between bed and towel is the same as between pork and cheese -bits of the first get between your teeth :P.

Anonymous said...

I am sure they will give it a go when they have no other bedding to destroy.
Rupiec has chewed every bed, he has always slept on the floor, and seems more than happy to do so.
Maybe the new bed was too big and had to be trimmed?
Happy Sunday to you all,
Bev and Roo

Katherine said...

Laughing in recognition this morning. Rémy has torn every bed to shreds, and all the substitute blankets, too, but not the towels. ? B & S looking adorably naughty.

WFT Nobby said...

The aftermath of Bob and Sophie rolling in the cement doesn't bear thinking about...

Disappointing strawberries here in Scotland so far.

VirginiaC said...

Newly mixed irresistible for the two angels. Angus you not only need eyes in the back of your head, you may also need to install extra surveillance cameras to keep an eye on those two.
As for the Fatboy bed, I don't know what to say. Does insurance cover the damage????????
Please oh please a video of the roses being eaten straight from the bush....totally unbelievable.
Have a great Sunday!!

Kittypup said...

Shred... Chew... Munch...

I just asked Kitty what 'Fatboy' reads in puppy vocab - she answered 'Eat me'!
Problem solved... I'll have to forward you a copy of the puppy dictionary :-)

Have fun X

Wishfully Thinking said...

Have you tried a Tuffies? We have two. They ship.

Joanne said...

Another smile this morning as I nod with understanding...such is life while living with puppies. Enjoy, like children, they will grow up before you know it.

Angus said...

Our second attempt at finding a bed. A wonderful product but one which will not withstand the onslaught of PON puppies piranah teeth.

Angus said...

Reassuring that we only have the teenage years ahead !

Angus said...

We should have known !

Angus said...

Sadly, or sensibly , depending on your point of view puppy damage is uninsurable ! Insurance co's can be very wise !

MrsDuncanMahogany said...

One of the delicacies here in our city is a hamburger known as a Fatboy....lots of chili, deliciously bad for you and messy to boot. I think Bob et Sophie were channeling the restaurant!

I wonder what roses taste like?

Jo's World said...

So, assuming you have any old towells left, are you going to toss them into the pen for the miscreants to arrange as they like? What is the cost of half a dozen new towells compared with a bed?

Just curious,

Jo in MN

Robin Larkspur said...

Roses by any other name [such as blankets, beds, wallpaper,slippers,etc] taste just as sweet.

Kari said...

Bob taught Sophie to eat roses from the bush? What a fellow!!!

I happened to see a dog bed touted to be indestructible made of Kevlar which is used to make ballistic and stab resistant body armor. When researched on the Internet, there was information( traced back to the same source) that ingestion of Kevlar could lacerate a pets organs and lead to death! The MSDS sheet and Kevlar site, when reviewed, said non toxic, no injury with animal ingestion. If one absolutely had to have a dog bed, it would be best to contact Dupont directly. Kevlar injury- fact or urban myth?

Angus said...

Cost ? In comparison with a XXL Fatboy dog bed in red ? Nothing !

Emm said...

Thinking as a person, maybe the beds get chewed because they offer resistance, while towels are flexible and don't provide nearly as much sport. Like the others, I want to see vids of rose-eating in situ.

houndstooth said...

I wish I knew, but towels are the one thing Kuster doesn't eat, too! Maybe it's the texture.

Oh, there are so many injustices that a young puppy must endure!

rottrover said...

We LOVE tearing up towels - pulling them while getting dried off - the best!!

rottrover said...

P.S. Love the new header! I notice it features roses AND distructive puppies...

Angus said...

Maybe all puppies know that towels are cheaper than fancy beds !

The Life of Riley said...

Towels are an acquired taste!

Duke said...

Your header with the roses is just gorgeous! We guess you haven't discovered these yet to munch on!

Love ya lots♥
Mitch and Molly

liparifam said...

Do Papasan chairs exist in France? I buy just the big, round cushions for them and use them as dog beds. My dogs have yet to destroy one...

JacksDad said...

Are you sure they don't have some Lab in them? :)

Anonymous said...

Good point ....

Yogi who is 9 now .. chomped on every fancy bed we got !! (typical Lab) Only when we I started putting towels OVER the beds, Yogi finally left them alone!

I have No idea ... But I'm loving your Blog. Beautiful.

Yogi's Mom :)

Louise said...

Love the photo of Bob in the pen. Those are some big hairy feets.

Eh, towels are readily available, people use them everday, a bit boring. Bet they taste like chicken. Very large almost indestructable beds ordered online from other countries, well it goes without saying, they must taste like tiger or something really exciting.

Feel sorry for the peach farmers.

Anonymous said...


Hi. I Love your new Babies as much as I miss "the boyz"! Thanks for sharing Bob and Sophie and more of your wisdom with this new blog. Have you looked at the kuranda beds? Can't speak of personal experience with them as my dogs prefer the floor or my bed,but they seem very popular here with owners and rescue groups. Also, one year guarantee. Personally don't think their cot appearance is as cute as a cushion, but if it works.....kind of like prancercise,Ha!