Monday, July 1, 2013

Home is a shelter from storms - all sorts of storms.

Home. Sore and crying but home. Sophie now positioned under my feet in the office. We'd bought Elizabethan collars but the vet has returned her in a tied up tee shirt. '' It will keep the stitches cleaner ". The vets receptionist  called us to collect her early. She was making so much noise in the surgery. One very determined young lady clearly wanted to get back to see her family . Surprised she doesn't have pain meds .


Julie said...

Glad to see she's home, best place for her. She's probably been given painkillers at the Vets and, unless you see she's in distress she may not need anymore. My little cavalier (biggest babies going) got over her op amazingly quickly, I'm sure that as soon as the anesthetic from the operation had worked through her system she was back to normal. The problem then was trying to make her keep calm. Of course trying to explain that to both Bob and Sophie is not going to be easy ! I think she could start a new fashion trend in t-shirts though !

WFT Nobby said...

Dear little Sophie. Good to see you home.
But how will you, er, go for a pee, all wrapped up in that tee shirt?

fleurlilian said...

Poor little darling - no pain medication????????? What??????????? Daisy got Aulin to keep the worst away - get well sooooooooon!!! Love from Southern Italy Susanne, Daisy and Kirilirili

Robin Larkspur said...

Never seen the t-shirt thing before. Hope it works well. She will be groggy most of the day. And it will be hard in a couple of days to keep her from bouncing around. Maybe nice long car rides. Thank goodness that is over and no worries about accidental puppies!! Good luck!!

Pamela Terry and Edward said...

Poor little girl.
Lots of love today. And maybe a scrambled egg.
The t-shirt is brilliant.

Angus said...

The tee shirt is stylish, modish and just short enough to be practical !

Angus said...

Apparently she shoudn't feel anything after her big dose of pain med in the surgery wears off. I'm not entirely convinced .

Angus said...

Scrambled egg and some flakes of sea bass !

Kari said...

No pain meds????? Please call your vet now and ask for them. Why would they let Sophie suffer needlessly. I wouldn't have expected them to have such an old fashioned attitude. This is rubbish!
We know you and the font will take excellent care of her, bless you both.

Anonymous said...

Our pup had minimal pain, which is good because they didn't send her home with pain pills. Her owners, however, required large glasses of wine...

Angus said...

Your comment arrives just as the font has asked me if it was true I didn't intend to drink tonight !

Unknown said...

Glad Sophie is home. Take it easy.
Best wishes Molly

Anonymous said...

Take it easy Sophie.

Anonymous said...

Glad Sophie is home.....I have seen the "t-shirt technique" and used it on a pup or two - works remarkable well and is not so catastrophic as the elizabethan collars....Seems to allow for a calmer post operative time frame. They can also be washed and re-worn. Does Bob intend to wear one to support his sister's recovery? The font, Angus, Bob and Sophie, all with matching t-shirts- There you go!

Wishes for a smooth and speedy recovery (for all).....Chris

Jean said...

Crouching to go to the loo is what caused Lulu most pain in the first few days. It pulled on her stitches I think, but it was upsetting to see her wince every time. Just thought I'd mention it in case Sophie is the same.
The t shirt is a great idea for keeping the wound clean! How's Bob doing? Does he know she's home yet?

Angus said...

Yes he knows she's home. They've been introduced twice. The first time Bob whimpered. The second time he howled. Sophie safe in her cage turned on the tears. It's going to be a late night . Sophie has however had two helpings of Sea Bass.

Jean said...

There's only one solution - champagne. Probably the best painkiller and tonic in the world. For humans, anyway!

Unknown said...

The T-Shirt seems a genius idea to me. Three months ago our Berner came home from surgery with the big collar and it was just full of drool by the end of the evening. We took it off and had no problems with licking or anything else with the stiches. Ellie came home with a short prescription for painkillers and some antiseptic spray. She never seemed very uncomfortable, just a bit drowsy. The hardest part was to follow the vet's advice of keeping her calm.

ann @ studiohyde said...

Great idea with the T-Shirt. So pleased the little lady is okay, now for lots of TLC.

JacksDad said...

I hope she rests well tonight and feels better in the morning! Thank you for the update.

JacksDad said...

The vet told Jack that he needed to rest for 10 days after his operation. We just laughed and laughed at that! :)

Jake of Florida said...

Glad Sophie is home where she belongs and is on the recovery path. She and Bob are such a devoted pair being separated has to be worse than the surgery pain.

Are you absolutely sure they have no terrier genes??? Digging. Barking nonstop. All innocence despite evidence to the contrary.

Adult beverages definitely in order for you and the font this evening.

tammy j said...

so glad you updated! i've been gone but checked in as soon as i got home and found this post.
poor wee sophie! i think the trauma of being without her pack was as major as the surgery! the first time!
they heal amazingly fast. but still... you know there has to be pain. good grief. i'm thinking surgery is surgery... dog or human!
love to all four in the deepest france profonde. XOXO

Anonymous said...

As the French saying goes, seemingly most appropriate right now........."Courage SOPHIE, courage." Hoping the whimpers of pain, the distress for all of you, and the bewilderment as to what has just happened (especially for BOB!) passes quickly. We are all there with you. Much love from the Westcoast of Canada.

VirginiaC said...

Thank you for posting this early know we were all worried and wondering.
Lady Sophie is resting safely back at home with her pack....I can now exhale a sigh of relief.
Wishing her a speedy recovery.
I believe the vet would have given her a slow release painkiller, but if she looks to be in any pain, just give him a shout and I'm sure he will prescribe some for Sophie to keep her comfortable.
My vet doesn't use the collar either, but a sort of swaddling like the teeshirt. The old vets sure do know their stuff.
Wishing you all a good night.

Duke said...

We hope you feel better soon, Sophie! We're sending you lots of AireZen!

Love ya lots♥
Mitch and Molly

Bella Roxy & Macdui said...

We've all had our 'career girl' ops and never needed pain meds. After the first day, we were back to our old selves. Love the tee shirt idea.

XXXOOO Daisy, Bella & Roxy

Emm said...

So glad she's OK. Bob's howling might be because she'll smell like vet-hospital, and they all seem to know what that is. When my husky was spayed, she didn't have post-op meds, although she was stiff for several days. The T-shirt and sea bass sound like a good combination.

Louise said...

Just reading the post from yesterday and the vet asking you to stay, and what with the genius t shirt idea I think I really like your vet. Especially if it is the same one who was so tender and wonderful with Wilf, and I remember the elderly couple he told told to park their car out back, so I trust that if he feels Sophie doesn't need pain meds it isn't because he is uncaring.

Oh poor Bob! He howled? I love him, and little Sophie of course.

Fi from Four Paws and Whiskers said...

Dr Fiona here - she may well have had an injection to last her overnight - but we usually prescribe at least three days worth for afterwards. A non-steroidal anti inflammatory like Previcox (firocoxib), Rimadyl (carprofen), or Metacam (meloxicam) .
Being staunch is one thing - but pain slows recovery and is bad for you as well as her! Veterinary medicine now recognises the need for preoperative and post operative pain relief and for more than 24 hours.
Glad all went well -
like the t shirt idea!