Thursday, December 25, 2014

Merry Christmas.

They may not know its Christmas but from all the activity in the house they recognize that today is something special. Angus is woken by a cold wet nose poking under the duvet. A second colder and wetter nose follows shortly after. PON's have no idea of what 'a morning after the night before' means. They've waited patiently until 07.15 and then taken an executive decision to get their day started. 

Christmas is  a time when you either have too little or too much milk. We have too little. A quick trip to the 24 hour store. Three chickens have gone inside. A fourth, fearful of the sliding doors, waits outside.

The dining room and the drawing room are out of bounds to PON's.  Assuming everyone is too busy to notice they creep in. Bob looks sheepish. Sophie adopts her ' I''m only here because my brother's here ' look.

There will be Turkey and gravy and sprouts and potatoes later. Amazingly, the angelic duo consider brussel sprouts to be the height of culinary sophistication. For the time being they are focused on the pile of bacon croissants on the breakfast table.

Happy Christmas to one and all. And here as a reminder that German television operates in a separate universe is a cheerful Teutonic Christmas greeting :


Bella Roxy & Macdui said...

Bacon croissants....what a wonderful invention...

Julie said...

Merry Christmas
Leah's having a sliver of bacon for breakfast, sadly no croissant

WFT Nobby said...

Yes, we too vote for bacon croissants for Christmas breakfast.
Merry Christmas!
Gail and Bertie.

Anonymous said...

Ditto on the Brussels Sprouts from our resident Scottish Terrier. And on that note - we send to you and yours our very best wishes for the merriest
of Christmas celebrations! With many many thanks ANGUS - for this past year of delightful posts. Big pats to the resident Angels, from their fans on the Westcoast of Canada.

Anonymous said...

A very Happy Christmas to everyone.
Bacon croissants. Yum!
I have been told that sprouts are going to be added to the turkey curry this year...

Duke said...

Merry Christmas, Bob and Sophie!

Love ya lots♥
Mitch and Molly

Anonymous said...

Merry Christmas to the Pons and their Wonderful Family!! Thanks for a Year of Delightful posts.

Yogi and his Family

MrsDuncanMahogany said...

A very Happy Christmas to you in deepest France! And if no one minds, I'll take a large helping of the sprouts. The PON's and I concur, delicious!

~Kim at Golden Pines~ said...

Maybe the chickens were out of eggs? :-)

·´¸.·´¨) ¸.·*¨)
(¸.·´ (¸.·´ .·´Merry Christmas!

Swan said...

Thank you for sharing your lovely doggies with us. May you have a joyful day.

VirginiaC said...

Cold noses are the best "Wake up it's Christmas" greeting any dog lover could ever want.
A very Merry Christmas to you, the Font, and of course the two angels Bob and Sophie....have a wonderful day.

Pamela Terry and Edward said...

Apple chased her Christmas ball under the piano, wrapped herself in the cord hanging down from a picture light and almost pulled a painting down from the wall. Edward lay in the center of everything waiting for the next long ribbon to fall from a package. That one was savaged till the next one appeared. A most Happy Christmas here. Hoping the same for you! xo

Robin Larkspur said...

Merry Christmas to you and those you love!!

rottrover said...

Happy Christmas to everyone at the ROFH!

Whispering Walls said...

Merry Christmas! Sorry to have been out of touch - I've been unwell

Kari said...

The PON's showed extraordinary restraint by waiting until 0715! The bacon croissant would be swell earned treat.
A joyousChristmas to you and yours. We know your day will be just splendid.

Emm said...

Hope you and 'the font' had a splendid day. And many ear scritches to the resident angels. Thank you for sharing your lives with so many of us.

Emm said...

and your YouTube is blocked in the US "on copyright grounds". Boo.

Angus said...

Many thanks for the Hungry Hector treats which arrived in yesterdays post. Very much appreciated !!!