Thursday, August 13, 2015

She even looks glum.

'The Font' and Bob head off for a power walk round the lake. Sophie stays at home. Bob, is a cheerful 'Hello' sort of dog. Sophie is less receptive to strangers. She's more of a ' You're not my family. Don't come near me ' sort of girl.

Master and family princess set of on a long walk. Down the ridge to the stream, past the waterfall, then onto the lake. Bob is a rapid walker. Sophie is a reflective ' let me sniff this one more time in case I can eat it ' type of companion. A walk that usually takes forty minutes stretches to an hour and a half.

Afterwards we head off to the fancy cafe by the canal. Sophie gets not one but two biscuits. The waiter and the kitchen staff talk to her. The diva pretends not to be interested in all this attention and stares resolutely at her feet. 

Sophie refuses her food. This is the first time in two and a half years she hasn't wolfed down what's been put in front of her. Eyes bright, nose wet but lethargic and drinking lots and lots of water. Perhaps the heat on our seven am walk was too much for her ?  More probably she's been out in the garden digging up bulbs and then eating them. She even looks glum.

So passes another quiet summer day in deepest, deepest France profonde.


Virginia said...

Oh dear - I hope she's not sickening for something. There are bulbs that are very bad for dogs - and it's a huge list. I've just checked! Poor darling! Perhaps fillet steak would help??

WFT Nobby said...

The refreshment stop by the canal sounds most appealing.
But poor Sophie, we do hope whatever's ailing her passes quickly and she's feeling more like her normal self again very soon.

Anonymous said...
Please do read this article from the Humane Society on Dog Dehydration.
One thinks that a walk for an hour and a half, in your extreme heat, was way too much for Sophie.
Poor girl. It should be taken note of, and not ignored. Her wanting bowl after bowl of water is her body taking care of business.
Hope it is not something more serious.

jackie said...

Poor lass feeling a tad fey and wan. Still a good nights sleep and rehydration I am sure that Princess Sophie will be feeling on top of her game again.

Bella Roxy & Macdui said...

Not eating? Can't believe that. Bella doesn't like strangers.....and she has to be pulled along on walks because she's sniffing...

Julie said...

Leah says she'll help out with Sophie's foodables if she doesn't want them?
Hope Sophie is back to her normal brother savaging self very soon

VirginiaC said...

Hope Sophie will be back to her usual self soon...the heat can really take a toll on the body.
My boy Brownie has been drinking tons of water too (I put ice cubes in his water)....the days have been sweltering hot.
Hope you took the biscuits home for Sophie and Bob to consume later.

Coppa's girl said...

Sophie's loss of appetite is very worrying......
We have suspended all our dog walks until it's cooler, as it's not much fun for either dog or human, when it's 27ºC at 6:30 a.m. high humidity, and not the hint of a breeze and even hotter as the day progresses. Can't help but agree with Anonymous, long walks in the sort of heat we're experiencing is way too much for Sophie. Imagine walking in a fur coat - in those temperatures !
The poor darling, we too, hope she's soon back to her normal brother savaging self - can't have the family princess feeling glum.

Angus said...

More probably something she's found in the barn. She's now as right as rain.

Angus said...

It passed very quickly.

Angus said...

Amazing what a good nights sleep will do !

Angus said...

Brother duly savaged.

Angus said...

The not eating part didn't last long.

Angus said...

We use rock sulphur. She might have swallowed some. The vet says he's never heard of a dog being ravenous/stupid enough to eat rock sulphur but then he remembered who the patient was.

Angus said...

Only 14 here in the morning so don't think it was the heat although it was rather humid ahead of thunderstorms. Whatever it was is thankfully over. Sophie is not the sort of dog to suffer discomfort in silence. She leaves stoicism to her brother.

MrsDuncanMahogany said...

Our Willow tends to do that here and there. We figure it has everything to do with eating her's and then our Tucker's dinner at once. 4 cups of food is alot to "take in". Here's hoping Sophie is much, much better from her pals in the middle of the Canadian prairies!

Angus said...

110% recovered.

Coppa's girl said...

We're all so very relieved that Sophie is back to her usual self.

Virginia said...

Ah! World wide attention and sympathy and the Diva is herself again! The world breathes a collective sigh of relief! I'm sure the fillet steak would have worked too!

~Kim at Golden Pines~ said...

Glad your girl is feeling better -- Hope she still is!