Monday, March 30, 2020

Snow. Where did that come from ?

20 degrees yesterday afternoon. Near freezing this morning, Snow flurries.  Crazeee weather ! To top it all off the clocks change. Sophie doesn't do clock changes.  That ' Why are we up at this hour ? It's still dark ' PON incomprehension.

By the time of our morning walk through the village the snow flurries are gone. We're greeted with clear skies and a bracing wind. PON weather.

Sophie and her master head down the lane. Angus chats away merrily to her. Today we discuss the news that social distancing will stay in place in the US until the end of April.

There is something to the air this morning  which tells you its just blown in from the Bay of Biscay . Not unlike a Scottish summer morning. Where the trees peter out by the crossroads the wind comes sweeping up from the valley like an icey locomotive.

Sophie skips along the lane, nose down. Nothing like freezing weather to get a girls day off to a good start.

A poem for the times .There is a lot of 'thanks' going around :

Dancing monks :

Fancy candles made since 1643  in Paris. The ones in the shape of statues are cool  :

This is effectively flying for free :

A really annoying format - you have to scroll across - but I like Margaret Attwoods style.This blog is a kind off 'bear witness' option :


Lisa in France said...

Sounds like our Tokyo weather moved on to France - we went from 22 degrees on Saturday to 2 degrees and snow on Sunday. Today we're right in the middle, at 10 degrees. It's actually better to be a bit cold at this time of year, so the cherry blossoms will last longer. My office is on the 24th floor and from this vantage you can see where people have tucked these trees in all sorts of unexpected places. Now I'm off to investigate Tokyo to Ohio airfares for August (as well as cancellation policies).

Angus said...

Probably wise to check the cancellation policies and make sure your Zoom and Blue Jean streaming is in place. Just in case ....

WFT Nobby said...

Snow? What fun for Sophie!
Gail enjoyed the snippet of Whitman.

Yamini MacLean said...

Hari OM
Very much enjoyed the Attwood piece. I was only saying to my family yesterday that history is cyclical and there is nothing new (beyond the actual virus itself) about this whole situation. Sophie has succeeded in bringing a smile to this face again this morning. Ta. YAM xx

suej said...

Chilly here too - though not quite snow. Fascinatingly, Les Saints de Glace are not until 11-13 May. And older French gardeners won't be doing anything other than preparation until then. We have got too used to our early mild springs! Love Margaret Atwood and her wisdom.

Hailey and Zaphod and their Lady said...

We had a 31 degree C shift just last week. They are crazy. Hope the snow is done for you.