A record of those unimportant little things that are too important to be forgotten.
Wednesday, November 25, 2020
An executive decision
The builders, or more precisely, the builder continues working on the pergola. The stone has been laid , grouted and sealed. Today the metal structure should be assembled and put in place. ' We'll need to drill into the stone ' says the solitary workman with a hint of uncertainty in his voice. This sense of impending complexity is reinforced by his parting comment ' Hope we've got a drill bit that's large enough'.
With a quarter of the village now self isolating Angus has taken to carrying a mask with him on our morning walks. This is a prudent if somewhat unnecessary precaution. On our excursion across country this morning we see no one.
Faced with the presence of the two large horses in the field by the crossroads Sophie makes an executive decision. She discovers that by walking along in the drainage ditch she can become invisible. They can't see her and she can't see them. She can also make a very satisfying noise by walking through the crinkly leaves.
Where's the fun if the ditch is dry - you can't plosh about and end up with lovely muddy paws! Will Sophie later be called upon to supervise the erection of the pergola?
Angus should be relieved that Sophie's executive decision apparently took her into a DRY drainage ditch...
Where's the fun if the ditch is dry - you can't plosh about and end up with lovely muddy paws!
Will Sophie later be called upon to supervise the erection of the pergola?
Found this and think Sophie could have been a star in it: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vhg7Xm4FXAY
I hope the drilling works out OK - otherwise, I suppose it is back to the Turkish tile suppliers again.
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