Monday, November 16, 2020

Feigned neutrality

Loic is due here this morning to blow leaves. We shall breath a sigh of relief when he shows up. If he doesn't we will know to take things to the next level although in the midst of a strict lockdown we're not sure what that might be . 

Today is also, supposedly, the day of the court case between the man with anger management issues and the German billionaires builder. The village has divided itself between supporters of the angry man and the builder. We have faithfully stuck to a neutral position based on being simple foreigners who ' no speakee the language so good '.

This feigned neutrality doesn't mean that we're disinterested. The hearing has been delayed twice due to the pandemic. I'm betting that there will be an early morning text to all involved telling them that the proceedings have been delayed again. Madame Bay, who despite advancing years remains the 'go to' person for all village gossip , tells 'The Font' that the man with anger management issues is claiming the builder cut down his hedge. The builder is claiming the anger management man punched him and provoked him into retaliation. Both parties are seeking damages and an order preventing the other from coming within a hundred metres of their front door. As both have houses that face the lane this will prove to be a difficult stipulation to enforce.

Sophie remains blissfully ignorant of this human drama  on the far side of the hedge. Between the cows and the errant chickens at large on the village green she has more than enough excitement to be getting on with.

The culture note of the day :


Lisa in France said...

Hoping for good news on Loic. For complicated logistical reasons, we very likely will have pizza on Christmas Eve,but even if it were available in Japan (or maybe it will be, as we do have Pizza Hut here), I do not think we would go for the Christmas dinner pizza.

Angus said...

I'm betting that it will be very popular in the UK with folks deprived of their usual Christmas office entertaining.

WFT Nobby said...

'Feigned neutrality' implies Angus secretly wants one party to win. I wonder which it is?
Christmas dinner on pizza will not be seen in the Bertie and Gail household. Perhaps to Bertie's disappointment.

Angus said...

What canine companion wouldn't want pizza toppings like that ?

Coppa's girl said...

We hope that all is well for Loic, and that he is once again able to come to the ROF, and provide many piles of leaves for Sophie to demolish.
No pizza with a Christmas topping here - and haven't mentioned to Inca that such a treat is available elsewhere in the world!

Yamini MacLean said...

Hari OM
In theory, anything can top a pizza. Whether it ought to or not is another question entirely.
As I anxiously await news of a hospitalised father, I apreciate the anticipation of waiting for news of Loic... YAM xx

Poppy Q said...

The Christmas pizza looks better than the Ramen one.

Angus said...

At a difficult time you can be sure of the support of prayers from far and wide. Stay strong.

Sheila said...

Cutting down an entire hedge seems like rather drastic retaliation for having been punched. There seems to be more than one man with anger management issues.

Bailey Bob Southern Dog said...

Sophie’s hair is lovely today! Could those be cows she is looking at? Hoping Loic will be there to blow leaves. And prayers for Yam and her father.

rottrover said...

Sending strength your way, YAM.

rottrover said...

Hoping all is well with Loic. He seems to enjoy his work with you so much!

Fay said...

Hmmm...regarding the pending litigation, it seems a bit "over the top," unless the hedge were 17th century or the punch a la Clint Eastwood. Just goes to show that people litigate when they are pissed off, if no one apologizes. Very happy to see the Amir video; I was amused at the comment "Un chanteur qui fait ses courses a Lidl." And I recently discovered this popular video, complete with dinosaurs: Julien Doré - Nous (Clip officiel)

Tigger's Mum said...

I experienced kimchi pizza in Korea - that falls on the 'not' side of your question. F