Tuesday, March 1, 2022


Sophie starts her day by clambering onto the wooden table in the garden. From here she can keep an eagle eye open for any audacious C-A-T-S. While she's on the table I take the opportunity to comb out a few of the tangles in her coat. Her enthusiasm for this lasts all of fifteen seconds. Then she's a squirming mass of impatience. We head off to the bakers. Pristine fur can wait. 

Down by the river the large orange mechanical digger has returned . Sophie makes a rapid decision to head off at right angles to avoid it. There's no point in coming face to face with such a malodorous beast at this time of the morning.

From time to time the family diva pauses to make sure I'm keeping up.

Life is slowly returning to normal. The Anger Management Man has been away skiing. He is looking healthy and tanned . I can't help but note that his sunglasses have left him with two white circles around his eyes. This gives his face a somewhat comic look. This is a thought I keep to myself.  There is little point in testing the boundaries of anger management.


WFT Nobby said...

Is it too much to hope that the AM man might have returned from his skiing holiday a more relaxed and agreeable individual?

Yamini MacLean said...

Hari Om
Yeah, I gave up on the idea of pristine 'fur' quite some time ago. Other things matter more. YAM xx

Coppa's girl said...

Can't help thinking that if the late, much missed Bob, came face to face with that digger - he would insist on "christening" every inch of those tracks!

Angus said...

Compared with her brother Sophie has a very different approach to life. Mischief is a, if not the, common denominator between the two.

Lisa in France said...

Interesting links. From reading your descriptions of Sophie's napping and watching Cherry sleep, all four feet in the air and snoring, it is my impression that PONs may lead a relatively relaxed dreamlife. Now chocolate on the other hand. I spent many hours trying to calculate exactly how much theobromine might be involved in various boxes of stolen and eaten chocolates or, once, Mexican mole sauce. So far, Charlie doesn't seem to have much of a sweet tooth

Travel said...

Such a pretty morning, all the better for the wise little doggie

Poppy Q said...

Looks like a lovely morning for a walk. Are croissants back?