Friday, March 18, 2022


Friday morning. Overnight the owls have been busy hunting and there's a smorgasbord of delights in the grass verges by the moorhens pond. Sophie is called to hurry up but she feigns total and complete deafness. Why hurry when there's air dried shrew to be had ?

Back at The Rickety Old Farmhouse the black and white C-A-T that has taken to living in the barn is sitting on the office window sill. 

After a protracted and vocal 'What in heavens name do you think that C-A-T is doing ?' outburst Sophie retires to the library for a restorative nap and battery charge. A divas life is not an easy one.

'The Font' is at the breakfast table unpacking a box of Amazon books. The local courier driver, who lives in a caravan at the edge of the village,  makes The Rickety Old Farmhouse his first delivery of the day.  He is what one might describe as a 'cheeky chappy'. This morning for some unknown reason his girl friend has joined him in the cab of his truck. They are clearly at that stage where they can't bear to be apart.  She smiles beatifically. He has bought a patch of land, parked the caravan on it and plans to save up enough to start building a home. There is something strangely charming and upbeat about his optimism. Another of lifes little victories.  Angus has ordered 'The Books of Jacob' which won the 2018 Nobel Prize for Literature and has now been translated into English. 'The Font' reads the blurb on the back of the book and wishes me luck on coming to grips with a work that captures ' Enlightenment Europe on the cusp of precipitous change, searching for certainty and longing for transcendence '.

A swimming pool to calm tempers :

'A comfort so unique '. Would you take this over the train or plane ? :


Yamini MacLean said...

Hari OM
Oh yes, I'd ride that bus!
C-A-T seems to be wondering what all the fuss is about.
I hadn't heard about this book - but have heard of Jacob Frank; complex and intriguing. Your review after reading is awaited... &*> YAM xx

WFT Nobby said...

If it's tough being a diva, it's even tougher when there's a cat on the windowsill...

Lisa in France said...

Interesting new (to me) perspective on the pond. And a lovely picture of C-A-T, who is quite beautiful and well-kempt for a barn cat. I enjoyed your links today. When I started to watch the bus ad, I thought there was no way they could outdo a Japanese tour bus, but the bathtub caught me by surprise. I myself suffered through too many redeye Greyhound trips during my impoverished youth, so I would still always choose the train if the choice were offered. The swimming pool story also surprised me - as you have probably seen, the macaques in Japan are famous for their love of hot springs rather than cold. The theory seems to be the same, however: I guess they just like to bathe, period.

WFT Nobby said...

Maybe the monkeys could relax in the bus's bathtub.

Coppa's girl said...

A smorgasbord of delights made me laugh - lucky Sophie!
The C-A-T is very sweet and if he/she's that close to the window, it won't be long before it's looking for an open door. Inca will confirm this!
The bus is a luxurious, but bouncy, alternative to train or air, and there is no getting away from traffic jams.

Angus said...

Four hours on an interstate could so easily turn into five or six.

Travel said...

The C-A-T is living dangerously, it is only a matter of time before the lady of the house, the short one with the long hair, gives chase. A no to the bus, the train does not get stopped in traffic.

Fay said...

I join the others in nixing the bus trip. I anticipate never getting out of DC....

Camille said...

Would absolutely give the Jet bus a try but alas, we're too rural nor close enough to any pick up locations to make it worthwhile. Except we do have Greyhound bus nearby...but that's a self inflicted punishment. Wide pass.

Such a sweet feline face in your window this morning. But like Miss Sophie, our Dottie would be outraged by the cheeky audacity!