Tuesday, June 25, 2013

First of all, be what you are.

Barely six. A cup of coffee on the terrace. The two 'angels' hurtling across the lawn in pursuit of a worm hunting thrush. Bob and Sophie have learnt to be neighbour sparingly silent this early in the morning. A trait that doesn't hold true at any other time of day.

The family of Blue Tits nesting in the elder trees are out in force. They squabble happily among  the roses. The grey-blue young barely heavy enough to bend the rose boughs . They sway back and fro like aspiring acrobats, clattering with delight .  A pre-dawn feast of greenfly. Pure sunniness. I was going to spray the roses but now I won't.

A quick stop at the cash machine on the corner of the Market Square. I was sure I'd been on Sunday. Maybe not. At the cafe under the arcades Bob and Sophie sit peering hopefully up at the waitress. Five and a half months old and they've already perfected the '' this is the only food I'll get all day '' routine. The shared half croissant is consumed to the sound of lip smacking.

Home via the bakers and newsagent . 'The font ' asks me if I know there's a trail of partly shredded twenty €uro notes in the garden. We both turn and look at Sophie.


Bella Roxy & Macdui said...

The mystery of the Sunday ATM visit...solved?

XXXOOO Daisy, Bella & Roxy

WFT Nobby said...

Sophie dear girl, even I think that shredding 20 Euro notes is ill advised. Think of all the treats they would buy.
Toodle pip!

Unknown said...

Money mystery solved. Wow money shredding is an expensive hobby. Have a terrific Tuesday.
Best wishes Molly

Anonymous said...

Oops. I once found an empty wallet and 1,500 euros, meant for the plumber, scattered about in Bubble and Squeak's outside kennel. The plumber didn't seem to mind the slightly damp payment.

I just want to give those puppies a big old scrunch and several kisses on the nose.

Have a lovely day.


~Kim at Golden Pines~ said...

Todd has done that, but he had less expensive tastes and thankfully never really acquired a taste for anything higher than a $5 dollar bill.

Julie said...

And did Sophie do that 'I cannot tell a lie it was Bob look' ?

fleurlilian said...

Kiri held the position of office paper shredder - was a cheaper version what happens in your house... Wish I could encounter them on a walk - Kiri is making lots of fabulous lady friends every day! Have a great day in sunny France - Susanne, Daisy and Kirilirili

VirginiaC said...

The two videos today had me in stitches.....Sophie sure knows how to tease her big brother.
Please tell Sophie that when she is money laundering, she must not leave a paper trail....too easy to trace.
I like that they play quietly in the morning so as not to disturb the neighbours, that takes some restraint.

Anonymous said...

Money mystery solved. But the question remains, how did she get the notes in the first place, was your billfold out in the garden as well? Kelly prefers Kleenex and qtips, much cheaper. Maybe we should all send our junk mail to you for Miss Sophie to snack on!

MLou said...

I don't know how you get anything done with the comedians around to entertain you all day. They look like non-stop fun.

Kari said...

Oh, lovely. With holiday season here, we can just imagine Bob giving some poor, unsuspecting tourist his sweet, wide-eyed puppy look whilst his beautiful, larcenous sister swipes their roll of notes.
What a pair!

Robin Larkspur said...

I love how Sophie lays herself on top of the fluffy toy to keep Bob from getting it. Those two play perfectly together. I wonder if Euros are an acquired taste?

tammy j said...

if you ever get sick of baby sitting all the men in black suits ~ you could live handsomely off the royalties of two books . . . one of wilf and digby . . . the other of these two baby rascals!
but oh! what am i saying? you already live handsomely! LOL
love all the comments today. spot on!

houndstooth said...

Ha ha ha! How are you sure it was Sophie and not Bob? Thank you for a much needed smile today!

Duke said...

UHOH! We hope you've been forgiven, Sophie! We just love your videos!

Love ya lots♥
Mitch and Molly

MrsDuncanMahogany said...

Oh Sophie darling! Best leave those where they belong! Still, it brought a smile to the day!