Thursday, July 2, 2015


Late last night they harvested the wheat in the field by the orchard. The clouds of chaff rising into the sky painted purple by the setting sun. A strangely biblical sight. This morning we take a shortcut across the stubble down to the little waterfall. In a weeks time the stalks will be dried hard and sharp by the heat. Today they're still soft and springy. Ideal for PON paws. The waterfall, sadly, is no more. The stream shriven to a tiny, unattractive, outline of sludge. Bob and Sophie are told not to drink from it. They do. It's a ten minute walk down the hill but it takes half an hour. Sophie is in one of her stop and sniff moods. We progress in ten metre stages.

A day for the family princess to laze in the kitchen. Her owners cool off in the pool. Bob sits by a fan. The old folks in the air conditioned Salle des Fetes chat away until midnight. There is a ' Solidarity with Greece' rally in the little market town. I doubt if many demonstrators braved the heat.


Bella Roxy & Macdui said...

Now we know where the sun has gone. Bertie reported that it was in Aberdeen reaching tropical (BOL!) temps of 24°C. (He's laughing at us because we've got clouds and only reached 12°C today.

Angus said...

Another day of 40 plus and Saharan winds and we'll be dreaming of 12 degrees !

WFT Nobby said...

A good reminder to keep Bertie away from the river this coming weekend. We are off to Nottingham where the streams do not run as clear and clean as in Scotland (and I shall be wishing for a swimming pool).
Cheers, Gail.

Julie said...

It was a bit hot in London yesterday, the underground was roasting!

VirginiaC said...

I'm hoping Bob and Sophie will get to cool off in the pool too.
How is the Old Farmer doing in the heat?

~Kim at Golden Pines~ said...

Your first photo is "post card perfect," Angus, and each year, I so enjoy your sunflower pictures! Storms forecast here for 4th of July celebrations.

Coppa's girl said...

Sounds as though everyone at ROF has found their own way to keep cool.
40ºC here too, and the same Saharan wind.

Pamela Terry and Edward said...

Edward flatly refused to go out this morning. Being hit with a blast of near 100% humidity does that to the boy.

Whispering Walls said...

Do let us know how many protested!

Unknown said...

You live in paradise, the area is just so beautiful. If I lived there I would gasp everyday that it is my view. Enjoy the pool.

BaileyBobSouthernDog said...

How hot is it? Bailey Bob has perfected the art of U-turns in the door way to outside!