A record of those unimportant little things that are too important to be forgotten.
Tuesday, October 25, 2016
There will be retribution.
From the corner of her eye Sophie can see that her brother has found Furry Fox. He is proudly rushing round the garden with it in his mouth. She is left speechless with frustration. When she is fully recovered there will be a day of retribution. This afternoon she goes to the hospital in Toulouse to have her leg X-rayed.
Our thoughts and prayers are with you. Hopefully , no further complications will be found.. Will you be meeting the new surgeon? I guess we all interpret Sophie's look differently. I think she looks crestfallen and agree with Babycakes, a bit fragile too..
Sophie, it seems to me, is using her recuperation time to good effect. She has mastered, absolutely, the art of the good side-eye. Fingers crossed for a good X-ray result.
Oh dear, poor Bob - she'll have all that time to sit and ponder exactly what form the retribution will take !
There may be trouble ahead...
Good thing dogs live in the moment. Bygones will be bygones.
If looks could kill!!!
Oh no, thats the final insult, big brother running off with furry fox!
She looks so fragile.
Our thoughts and prayers are with you. Hopefully , no further complications will be found.. Will you be meeting the new surgeon?
I guess we all interpret Sophie's look differently. I think she looks crestfallen and agree with Babycakes, a bit fragile too..
Sophie, it seems to me, is using her recuperation time to good effect. She has mastered, absolutely, the art of the good side-eye.
Fingers crossed for a good X-ray result.
I suspect Bob will enjoy that day of retribution as much as Sophie will.
Very much hoping that things have gone so well with the x-ray visit today.
I am brimming over with curiosity! Where did Bob find Fury Fox this time? Best of thoughts for Sophie's vet reports.
Sophie may be simmering...... Hope the x-ray is perfect.
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