A record of those unimportant little things that are too important to be forgotten.
Tuesday, April 4, 2017
Maniacal rabbits.
Frogs are sunbathing on the grass banks of the village pond. As we approach they leap, one after the other , into the water . Synchronized diving. The Busby Berkeley's of nature. Bob thinks of giving chase but is 'encouraged' not to.
The milk chocolate Easter bunnies have arrived in the shops. En masse they seem slightly maniacal.
The red trousers are no longer on sale. My chance of buying them at a 50% discount gone. The mannequin now sports a red jumper to go with the red trousers. A combination of the trousers and matching jumper would make the wearer very red indeed.
We read the morning papers then take them round to The Old Farmer for him to peruse. He's sitting on a plastic chair on his terrace. He rolls up his trouser leg. When they took off his cast they also took off a lot of skin and left a lot of bruises. '' Look at this. The nurses were idiots. Didn't know what they were doing " he says grumpily. The district nurse has arranged for an exercise bike to be delivered. He sits on this and peddles away for hours in an attempt to rebuild the damaged muscles. He is not at all pleased with the slow progress in getting back on his feet. '' It's been two months now ". He leans forward in his chair and and tickles Sophie's ear. This makes him laugh. So starts our Tuesday morning
The Easter bunnies here have the same slightly maniacal look too ! One hopes that the Old Farmer doesn't decide to do a little "work" on the exercise bike to make it go places...
If the Old Farmer is on an exercise bike, he's doing pretty well! Maybe not as well as before, but still. The Lindt bunnies are much statelier than the Milka ones. Dressed in gold, not purple, and with a calm demeanor.
I can't believe you missed out on the 50% off sale.....smile. So happy to hear that the Old Farmer is recovering slowly....he still has lots of spunk left. Tell him I had my ankle in a cast years ago and the doctor used an angle grinder to cut the cast off and nearly cut my foot off in the process....still have the scar and the pain every year on the anniversary of this "little shop of horrors" event.
The cherry trees may be gone, but the wisteria seems to have not only survived but thrived. That photo of Bob and Sophie basking under the blooms is the perfect antidote to the day's headlines.
Cheers for the Old Farmer on his bike. He may be impatient, but it sounds as if he's making good progress, as those things go. And if French retailing is anything like American, you may yet have the chance to buy the red trou at half off. Sales seem to come around quite regularly.
Sophie and the Old Farmer presumably bonding over the experience of frustratingly slow recovery processes.
Cheers, Gail (safely home in Aberdeen).
The Easter bunnies here have the same slightly maniacal look too !
One hopes that the Old Farmer doesn't decide to do a little "work" on the exercise bike to make it go places...
If the Old Farmer is on an exercise bike, he's doing pretty well! Maybe not as well as before, but still.
The Lindt bunnies are much statelier than the Milka ones. Dressed in gold, not purple, and with a calm demeanor.
I can't believe you missed out on the 50% off sale.....smile.
So happy to hear that the Old Farmer is recovering slowly....he still has lots of spunk left.
Tell him I had my ankle in a cast years ago and the doctor used an angle grinder to cut the cast off and nearly cut my foot off in the process....still have the scar and the pain every year on the anniversary of this "little shop of horrors" event.
The cherry trees may be gone, but the wisteria seems to have not only survived but thrived. That photo of Bob and Sophie basking under the blooms is the perfect antidote to the day's headlines.
Cheers for the Old Farmer on his bike. He may be impatient, but it sounds as if he's making good progress, as those things go.
And if French retailing is anything like American, you may yet have the chance to buy the red trou at half off. Sales seem to come around quite regularly.
Those bunnies look creepy!
I was so hopeful you would show us the wisteria in bloom! And the adorable Bob and Sophie complete the picture perfectly.
The wisteria is glorious. And the picture of Sophie looking over the fields is lovely.
The bunnies are disturbing.
I just enjoyed your link of the cockatoo and wrote a comment which was rejected by Blogger. Now the link has disappeared. Hope you'll try again.
Have tried again with a Twitter link.
Isn't the first picture suitable for framing? It's just so peaceful and makes me think of summer. Ahhhhh!
Yes, it's a beautiful picture. Summer sounds wonderful.
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