Tuesday, December 31, 2019

The last night of the decade.

The weather cold but bright. Perfect grooming weather.

Sophie revels in the attention. I'd swear she was smiling in her sleep.

The hyacinth bulbs haven't taken the hint that it's time for them to bloom. At this rate they'll be be out in time for Valentines Day. This is also how long it may take for Angus to find the sporran he put away last year. He put it somewhere so obvious that he'd find it easily.

The large Mahonia down by the barn alive with fat, happy, loudly buzzing bees. That's a pretty good sign for the New Year ahead.

And here, sung as it should be sung, is a  song for the last night of the decade. May it  (and every night that follows) be one where the stars shine as brightly as the moon : 

A Happy New Year to all from the residents of  The Rickety Old Farmhouse.


Liz Hamblyn said...

Happy Hogmanay from the other side of the world. My mother (maiden name McIntyre) always made sure it was a dark haired gentleman who was the first over the door step on New Year's morning. Also, there were a few who would drink to a king over the water.

WFT Nobby said...

Wishing you all the best for a great Hogmanay, sporran and all. Does the 'Font' have a national costume to wear too?
Let's hope the bees are right about 2020.

Coppa's girl said...

All the very best for the New Year ahead, and all those that follow, to all at the ROF. A very special young family fellow will be in our thoughts as the decade bows out.
May Sophie finally find the refillable yoghurt pot!

Milodog said...

A very happy new year to you all at the ROF. I will toast your missing family fellow. Best wishes from deepest Wiltshire 💕🐾🥂

Poppy Q said...

Happy New Year to you all too!! May we recommend that the sporan gets put away with the Christmas decorations? That way you will have it ready at the right time of year. Have a dram for us!

Julie and poppyq

Teena and Lala said...

A very happy Hogmanay.
I too will be turning my thoughts to 2 very special family fellows lost this year; dearest Bob and my irreplaceable Merlin. I hope they are having fun on their next adventure with dear Wilfie PON and Digby.
Wishing everyone at the ROF, the bees and all readers of this blog and Happy and Healthy 2020.

Yamini MacLean said...

Hari OM
bliadhna Mhath Ùr! May the sporran hang unhindered and the ROF's roof stay ever intact!!! YAM xx

Anonymous said...

Happy Hogmanay ANGUS, the FONT, and Mlle SOPHIE from the very rainy Westcoast of Canada. Toasting the New Year and thinking of BOB with all the joy and laughter he brought to all of us who loved him. And ANGUS - may the new year bring comfort and good health to you. The final few months of 2019 were certainly difficult at the ROF........hoping things will ease for all of you as they seem to be. SOPHIE - wishes for you for a dropped roast chicken now and then, a yogurt pot or two still slightly filled, and much joy as the Head Princess of the House. Happy New Year !

Lisa in France said...

Happy Hogmanay! It was a difficult year, but here we are at the end of the year, the end of the decade and the end of the 12-year Chinese zodiac cycle. The boar, which closes out the cycle, is always racing to the end and tends to knock things around a bit in the process, whereas the incoming rat prefers a quiet, peaceful life. The former seems fairly reflective of the year we've just been through, and I hope the rat lives up to his reputation. Your bee picture today is wonderful and a perfect way to round out the year.

Anonymous said...

To all inhabitants of the ROF: a very Happy New Year, may it bring Health, Good Luck and for Sophie a refillable yoghourt pot and many "nice snacks" on your walks. Luzia from Basel

Pam in NH said...

A very Happy and Healthy New Year to those at the ROF and our fellow readers. Hugs to all. Pam

Maudie said...

Happy New Year! Wishing all joy, good health and peace in the new year.

Charlotte said...

A very blessed and a Happy New Year for all at The Rickety Old Farmhouse.
May everyone who reads this page today have a wonderful and Happy New Year.

Fay said...

And good wishes for the New Year, as well. Thank you for the joys, and sorrows, you bring each morning. It's a wonderful way to start my day. /Fay, cardis, SPoo

Hailey and Zaphod and their Lady said...

Wishing you all the best for 2020.

Bella Roxy & Macdui said...

Things stored carefully away are always difficult to find...sigh! (The PM will probably be brought kicking and screaming into the Climate Change debate, then pretend it was his idea. His usual form.)

Stephanie said...

Wishing all at the ROF a new year of happiness and good health - and to all the readers of this grand blog. What a joy it is, Angus. Tis a day to remember those who are not with us just now, but are always close in our hearts. I'll raise a cup in memory of that dear affable fellow who is missed so much. May God bless you, each one.

Susan said...

Here's wishing you good health and much happiness in the New Year! Thank you, too, for your many wonderful blog posts.
You are always my first read of the day.