A hearty and enthusiastic Good Morning from Sophie.
To the cafe in the little market town for a coffee.The waitress gives Sophie an ear scrunch and an additional portion of croissant. Sophie accepts the tickle in silence but emits an almost silent squeak of delight when presented with the croissant portion.
On the shopping street a large Christmas penguin has arrived. Sophie gives it a cursory sniff. Then off to the market for some hyacinth bulbs. They want to charge E2.80 each. We opt to buy them from the supermarket where they are E1 apiece. Sophie takes great interest in a gaggle of live chickens. She is encouraged along.
By the roundabout the little hotel has finally given up the ghost. A compact gem of late 20's, early 30's architecture. Must have been quite the thing in its day. The arrival of the motorway meant that the passing trade and commercial traveller business disappeared. It has struggled on with a few summer tourists and a restaurant that served lunches for E12.80 - glass of wine included. A McDonald's opened up next door which put paid to the lunchtime custom.This years railway strikes have meant that seasonal business has collapsed and with it the owners last hopes of scraping along.
On the way home we overtake a car with a trailer towing part of ( what is presumably ) a fair ground attraction - a dodgem car ? The doors aren't secured properly so it looks as though its flapping its way along the road.
Christmas song 13 for the joyful and triumphant. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9rUFy3Id7aI
And wryly humorous photo caption of the year goes to the Washington Post for this.

That final photo makes me feel very good about my WaPo subscription, but for me today's highlight is the shot of Sophie smiling.
Sophie smiling is the favourite here too.
One can almost smell the incense in today's Christmas carol video.
The penguin is kind of cute.
I noticed that the day after the election France Info radio website had a photo of the new PM with a large Muppet in the background...and Liberation had one of him photoshopped wearing an outfit the Queen might wear, à la Miss Fritton in St Trinnians.
It's good to know that Sophie has something to smile about - that extra portion of croissant must help.
Hari OM
Croissant all her own? Lucky Sophie! YAM xx
Sophie knows there is mischief to be done.
Or as cute as any two storey high penguin can be.
But can anything compare with the succinctness of the word 'left' ?
Nothing like a piece of croissant to start a girls day.
Perhaps not a whole croissant but certainly a sizeable sliver.
Time to smile when her morning walk companion finally gets his shoes on.
Did Sophie use the ramp today❓
She looks so happy and comfortable with being #1 around her area, which is good.
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