Friday, March 27, 2020

The spirits.

Four years ago the old chiming mechanism in the village church was replaced by a new electronic system. The clogs and wheels were  forever getting clogged with pigeon feathers and mouse droppings .

On Wednesday night all the church bells in France rang in unison at 7.30. A symbol of solidarity. Thursday night, after the flawless performance on Wednesday, the automated system had what is technically known as a bad acid trip. At 7:53 the thing bursts, unexpectedly, into spirited life. Bells clanked away without rhyme or reason.  Both old and new mayor broke quarantine to deal with the manic electronic campanologist.

This morning they're both in the church porch reading a handbook and pressing buttons on the control panel. From the binks and bonks that echo round the village I'd guess that they haven't quite sorted the problem out. 

The water levels in the ponds beginning to drop. Sophie now has to adopt a perilous rump high in the air posture when drinking from the water hole by the horse field. She is oblivious to the inelegance of this pose. Sophie is oblivious to much in life apart from the certain knowledge that she's loved, gets fed, chases C-A-T-S and has a pivotal role in the smooth functioning of the universe and The Rickety Old Farmhouse. 

Would this reassure you ? :

Elgars Nimrod and drone :

And here is something sunny for a chilly March morning :


Lisa in France said...

It must have been very moving to have all the bells in France ring together. I also read today that they had a moment in the UK when everyone clapped together for the healthcare workers. This kind of collective expression seems very important, and it makes me sad that the US may be too polarized at the moment for something similar to happen there. The article from China was sobering, a glimpse of what lies ahead between now and normalcy.

Camille said...

Ghosts in the bell tower? How exciting! But wonky wiring is perhaps the more likely culprit. A lovely gesture and show of solidarity for the entire country to share in the ringing of bells.

Confirmed cases of Covid19 are ramping up in an alarming way over here. We have a son at the epicenter of it all in NYC. He told us us this evening of his decision to take a brief walk, in he dark, to get some fresh air and described being in the middle of the city without another human being or moving auto in sight. Hence, my insomnia. (Stay in your apartment kid!) Thank you for the brief relief of the youtube videos and of course, dear Sophie's adventures.

WFT Nobby said...

Bertie finds Sophie's 'rump in the air' rather alluring.
Gail enjoys the Nimrod video.

Taste of France said...

It feels like people are getting lax. I hear more cars go by. Worrisome.
Absolutely love that last link. The juxtaposition of dancing with shopping and cooking, the way the dancers are on the side of a road and cars go by, the panning to the kids on the sidelines, the infectious rhythm (just the thing for housecleaning). How will such vibrant life change when the virus arrives?

Yamini MacLean said...

Hari OM
"manic electronic campanologist"

That was all the giggle I needed to balance my day. Hope the twin mayors succeed in taming it though. YAM xx

Sheila said...

Thanks for the fly-through clip of the cathedral. Did you see the report yesterday that someone suddenly recalled that there was a stash of the much sought after face masks stored in the crypt, just over 5,000? Of course they were quickly distributed to needy recipients.

I do hope that momma duck quickly found an exit off the roadway.

Pam in NH said...

Ha! For me it was the "bad acid trip"!

Pam in NH said...

My grown kid lives in Austin on the top floor of a high rise. Except for walking her puppy, I feel the same. Sit on your balcony! Stay inside kid!

Pam in NH said...

I agree about the US: so many sad things going on here but the lack of solidarity is crushing us. Sometimes I am comforted by the fact that our folks, who have passed, are not alive to witness this America. They were of the WWII generation, heroes all.

Please share some Cherry updates: how is her in- house therapy going for her infection? My golden had a staph infection after a hip replacement years ago. We feel your pain as well as Cherry's. XXX

Lisa in France said...

Thank you, Cherry is getting stronger - no fever today - but it will still be two or three days before she can come home. The veterinary staff thinks it's good for her if we visit every day, but it's painful as she obviously can't believe we're not taking her with us when we leave. We have to be patient, though, and be sure the infection has been tamed.

Angus said...

I cannot imagine what it must be like to have a PON get ready to return home and then disappoint her. They really cannot understand being away from their family ! I'm sure all dogs are like that but the breed seems to have it to the power ten. Keep strong.

Bella Roxy & Macdui said...

Love the crazy bells....adds spice to the day.

First thought of restaurant picture....difficult to eat wearing masks.

Angus said...

Well observed. Mask eating would be problematic!

Hailey and Zaphod and their Lady said...

That made me laugh! I am glad they were able to leave quarantine to deal with this!

Stephanie said...

How wonderful it will be to have Cherry at home. You've all had quite the time.

Stephanie said...

Thank you, Angus for your faithful and always delightful posts. They make my week as that's about how often I'm able to check internet. May all at the ROF and readers stay well. Stephanie in very rural Northern California