Saturday, November 21, 2020

Faithless electors.

We're up early talking the twelfth amendment, faithless Michigan electors, Don Jr's symptoms  and the 1887 Electoral Count Act with the Manhattanites in dark suits. They continue to work from home. The commute from Rye to Park Avenue still out of bounds. The Manhattanites expect to be back in their offices by the end of March. Those who have invested in Moderna hope to be behind their desks in mid-January.

After these weighty conversations Sophie and her companion head off for a tour of the village.

Ducks, geese, horses, cows and donkeys all greeted. The moor hens are rather surprised that anyone should be up and about this early and head off squawking , at high speed, to the safety of the shrubs that line the village pond.

When we get home there is one solitary builder hard at work laying the stone slabs. The concrete base is supposed to be 4 meters by 4 meters but has somehow 'expanded'.  The slabs require cutting into a suitable shape to fit the enlarged area. Stone dust flies everywhere. Sophie is encouraged indoors.

Loic arrives to blow leaves. He has asked for a new leaf container. This has been ordered and shipped by Amazon. He's delighted with it. I see him heading off to the furthest reaches of the orchard with a spring in his step. Who'd have thought that anyone could be so happy about a new leaf holder ? He's even happier putting the piles of leaves into his new gardening aid. Later on this morning he will have a twenty minute ride on the lawn tractor.

Don't think I've ever seen a 'bunk room' advertised before. This hipsterish hotel looks like fun if you're a twenty something :

Most folks will have neither the time nor the inclination to listen to a talk on how to solve the climate crisis but this is good and some compensation for being in protracted lockdown :

You can now order a virtual walk if you can't get here. The wee house makes a cameo appearance at the 2.23ish mark. Proof it still exists . Angus is now getting to the stir crazy stage  of lockdown and is keen to get back to Scotland -


WFT Nobby said...

Progress with the stone slaps and Loic happily back leaf blowing, and the wee house in St Andrews still standing. A good news day at the ROF at least.

Linda said...

Good old St Andrews. I got these videos in the email to parents of alumni and must set aside time to watch (in busy Tier 1 life). Wonderful that your builders have shown up!

Yamini MacLean said...

Hari OM
yes, bunk beds are a trend. Dunoon's very own Puck's Rest offers several - and even has a 'pod' room! (about pic 31 in the slides). YAM xx

Yamini MacLean said...

PS - so happy to see and read of a happy Loic! Yxx

Lisa in France said...

Seems the conversations with the men in black suits are becoming more and more exciting by the day. I've always marveled at the ingenuity and foresight of the Founding Fathers, and when the sitting president was elected, I told my husband it was going to be a stress test for what they had built - I had no idea. So nice to see Loic back at work, and that is a leaf holder worth getting excited about. Cherry doesn't know it yet, but her lost sheep will be returning from college in the US tomorrow. He will no doubt complain that she hasn't had a bath, but I'm sure it will be a happy reunion nonetheless. I still have some regrets he did not end up in St. Andrews, which would have been much more fun to visit than Central Ohio (although now even Central Ohio sounds quite alluring).

Angus said...

Central Ohio would be less wet and windy.

Presumably the idea of getting 500 folk in a badly ventilated ballroom has now been shelved.

Angus said...

There may even be American academics in the house again soon.

Coppa's girl said...

Oh! does the new leaf container mean that Sophie doesn't get to demolish Loic's piles of newly blown leaves? Where's the fun in a very snazzy leaf container if a girl can't undo all the good work!
The slabbed area looks good, and we hope it's well worth the wait.

rottrover said...

Watched the beginnings of season 4 of The Crown yesterday. Some beautiful shots of Scotland while the Royal Family is 'stalking.' It might help your homesickness. Or possibly exacerbate it. Never mind.