Sunday, June 27, 2021

Homeward bound.

Time to go home. A start of day walk over the dunes and down to the waters edge. A Bay of Biscay morning beckons.  Sophie leads the way but from time to time peers back to make sure she's not alone. Even the bravest diva needs some backup when facing an enormous ocean.

Back to greet 'The Font'. Sophie waits with what might pass for  patience while we have breakfast. Four curly croissant ends are brought back to the room for her to savour. Some routines are inviolable. The chef has prepared some boiled carrots  for her breakfast which are wolfed down.

Then there's time for a quick canine napette while cases are packed. 'The Font' observes that dogs and toddlers require three times as much baggage as their entourage. 

Sophie seems to sense that her days of dinner time sauteed courgettes are over. She is reluctant to leave the bedroom and has to be 'encouraged' out to the car. Nothing as vulgar as check out here. Everything has been paid for in advance so there is no paperwork. The chef, the housekeeper and the cleaning lady all come to bid farewell to Sophie. LuLu biscuits are offered .... and enthusiastically received. How very French.  As we head along the pot holed road that leads to civilisation a group of four, then a group of  three jet black boar piglets run in and out of the fields of sea holly ahead of us. ' We'll be back' says 'The Font' with a chuckle.  France is a place of hidden magic.

This looks  like yet another fun new hotel opening but if you're travelling with a four pawed friend it would be hard to beat where we were :

German online food shopping. The coffee from here is wonderful :


Virginia said...

What a magical holiday - I'll bet you could've stayed much longer, and Sophie certainly would have!

Lisa in France said...

What a lovely place. My Southern France-loving husband has recently been agitating that we should just give in to the inevitable and go spend a year or two in France (we recently learned the waiting time for a green card is currently two or three years), and I have to say you are not doing anything to discourage him. He took one look at the first shot of Sophie the other day and said "And we'll have to get another PON" - Sophie looks at lot like Cherry, and seeing that particular happy/excited PON face brought it all back. They sell Dallmayr coffee in our supermarket. I never realized it is actually German - Japanese people like to give things German-sounding names for some reason.

I hope that Sophie's readjustment goes smoothly!

WFT Nobby said...

The hotel sounds truly special. So pleased that after such a long time of not travelling, the trip did not disappoint. I too have notice what a large proportion of my luggage is dog-related when I am away with Bertie. Bertie is asking about LuLu biscuits.
Cheers! Gail.

Coppa's girl said...

Oh my! curly croissant ends too - what more could a girl want? You've found Paradise.

Kerrie Roberts said...

So where was this wonderful place ? Would love to visit it too.

Tigger's Mum said...

The luggage observation also applies to travelling cats. You certainly found a gem in that place.

The Life of Riley said...

Loved the photos. The hotel sounds like the sort of place you want to make a regular booking to go to every three months (to experience all four seasons on the beach) so the three of you always have a "family holiday" to look forward to. Same room, same beach and one very happy PON.

Yamini MacLean said...

Hari OM
such places are what the word 'idyll' was coined for. A home from home, but fully catered. YAM xx

Charlotte said...

Where you have just been staying is the place I would pick all the time. I like it also because your fur babies can go with you. Beautiful and peaceful place. I would find it hard to leave once I got there. So glad Sophie could go.

rottrover said...

Your first photo is a stunner! The light is magical. And Sophie is pretty cute, too!

E Snook said...

What a beautiful spot! And the large painting in the hotel—it’s fantastic. I went searching for it online to see if I could find more information. The woman is plucking the duck? with such energy. And he looks almost alive still. Do you know who it was by? I have to deal with 17thC English recipes that call for plucking birds live so it makes me wonder.