A record of those unimportant little things that are too important to be forgotten.
Thursday, September 2, 2021
A vintage year.
Sophie's hair this morning is a gravity defying thing of wonder. I'd put it down to the dry wind that's started to blow but she's not been outside yet.
The Old Farmer has the tractor out again. His old army buddy has let him borrow a contraption that sucks up the grass cuttings and fallen leaves. Considerable effort is being expended on fitting it to the back of the lawn tractor. From the contraptions age and condition I'd put money on the fact that it won't work.
As we pass the village pond a moorhen scoots across the surface . It rushes into the safety of the shrubbery clucking as it goes.
Five other moorhens take a more leisurely path to safety. Earlier in the week 'The Font' counted eleven of them sunning themselves on the water lily leaves. Seems this year there are two breeding pairs. One with four chicks and the other with three. The chicks are now getting to be almost full grown. And to think that earlier in the year I was worried that the German billionaire with his foliage cutting might have scared them away. It's turned out to be a vintage year for village moorhens.
So starts a new day in a small village in deepest, deepest France profonde. We've reached that time of year when the plane trees along the lane are about to shed their leaves. Loic will soon be back at work blowing them into piles for Sophie to leap in and redistribute.
Sophie certainly has been sporting a variety of interesting hairstyles lately. It's funny - I was just thinking about Loic and his leafblower and wondering how he is doing. Charlie values fallen leaves above all things - I really can't imagine how he would deal with one of Loic's piles.
The moorhens are probably used to you and Sophie now, Angus, and know you aren't a threat. Imagine how many more there will be in a year or two if they all have chicks!
The Glenmorangie "experience" (everything has to be an experience now!) mirrors that of a newly renovated house very near my village: https://www.rothesglenspeyside.com/ I remember it as a lovely hotel where we used to go for celebratory family meals.
I'm just surprised that the moorhens aren't featuring in advertising for the latest iPhone model!
Sophie certainly has been sporting a variety of interesting hairstyles lately. It's funny - I was just thinking about Loic and his leafblower and wondering how he is doing. Charlie values fallen leaves above all things - I really can't imagine how he would deal with one of Loic's piles.
The moorhens are probably used to you and Sophie now, Angus, and know you aren't a threat. Imagine how many more there will be in a year or two if they all have chicks!
The Glenmorangie "experience" (everything has to be an experience now!) mirrors that of a newly renovated house very near my village: https://www.rothesglenspeyside.com/ I remember it as a lovely hotel where we used to go for celebratory family meals.
Shuffling my feet through fallen leaves sounds wonderful, we know just how Sophie feels
I wonder if the German billionaire has been receiving reports on the moorhen population.
Methinks that Sophie has found your Styling Mousse
Ditto! ;)
Will be at The Fife Arms soon. Hoping to find a bit of Glenmorangie there. x
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