A record of those unimportant little things that are too important to be forgotten.
Tuesday, September 7, 2021
The day.
It's hot. Mid-30's yesterday. More of the same forecast for today. Long haired dogs and their owners are up and about early while it's still cool.
Sophie follows me round the garden as I check that the irrigation system is working. She maintains a healthy.. and studious...distance from the edge of the pool. A girl can never be too careful where water is concerned.
The German billionaire is reroofing one of the outhouses of the chateau. Despite the early hour workmen and a large yellow JCB are already busy when we pass. This is the day of the oft postponed court case so there is no sign of the German Billionaires Builder who is presumably on his way to Toulouse. The Anger Management Mans car is nowhere to be seen which would hint at the case being heard this morning.
So starts a glorious September morning in a small village in deepest, deepest France profonde. We are relying on Madame Bay to keep us informed of todays 'legal' developments.
I've been waiting for the temperature to go back up in Tokyo, but it's still 23 degrees. Charlie likes being able to walk out in the neighborhood mid-day again, but he doesn't understand what's happened to his pool. I found the photos of Sophie determinedly keeping her distance from the water very interesting. I'd worry that Charlie would just jump in. I suppose that one could charitably say the German billionaire does his part for the local economy with all of the workmen he seems to keep busy - just so long as he stays away from the moorhens' pond. More interesting than the verdict in today's dispute will be how the village deals with it.
I wonder how long the case will take (probably not long, in the scheme of things), and whether it is being heard by a judge, or jury. It's clear the German Billionaire has plenty of money for lawyers; if the GB loses, and appeals, I wonder about the Anger Management Man has the resources to continue....Waiting, with bated breath, for Mme. Bey's report.
We are on tenterhooks...
I've been waiting for the temperature to go back up in Tokyo, but it's still 23 degrees. Charlie likes being able to walk out in the neighborhood mid-day again, but he doesn't understand what's happened to his pool. I found the photos of Sophie determinedly keeping her distance from the water very interesting. I'd worry that Charlie would just jump in. I suppose that one could charitably say the German billionaire does his part for the local economy with all of the workmen he seems to keep busy - just so long as he stays away from the moorhens' pond. More interesting than the verdict in today's dispute will be how the village deals with it.
We hope the case doesn't run on and on...
Like Lisa, we ponder on how the result will affect the village.
I wonder how long the case will take (probably not long, in the scheme of things), and whether it is being heard by a judge, or jury. It's clear the German Billionaire has plenty of money for lawyers; if the GB loses, and appeals, I wonder about the Anger Management Man has the resources to continue....Waiting, with bated breath, for Mme. Bey's report.
Love that your last photo has three contrails... something I rarely see these days in lockdowned Auckland, NZ.
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