The dawn chorus starts just after half past four. Being on a major bird migration route has its advantages .... and its disadvantages. Sophie hasn't fully adjusted to living in a land of perpetual light. She wakes and then barks to let me know the birds are singing. PON owners - whether they like it or not - are early risers.
While I wait for the coffee to brew we head down to the shore for our first walk of the day. The PONette skips ahead. She has a 'This is going to be the best day ever' attitude to life. After five days of chill winds this morning brings sunshine and a hint of warmth.

The field in the middle of the village is suddenly home to twenty or so young calves. The field used to be the site of a castle but by the eleventh century it was unfashionable and by the thirteenth it was no longer in use. A low hummock marks out where it used to stand. The grass in the field is very green.
Sophie ensures that Angus and the stone wall are between her and the calves. Positioning Angus so that he's a first line of defence against these large inquisitive beasts is an extra layer of insurance. It's been eight months since Sophie last saw a cow and I'm not sure that she's entirely happy to be reacquainted with them. The cows are friendly and very inquisitive - not character traits the PONette finds endearing. They peer over the wall. Sophie keeps her head resolutely down. Her pace picks up from amble to quick trot. The PONette subscribes to the view that what you can't see can't hurt you.
Hari OM
Those are very pretty calves... to be fattened up, no doubt. It is fair enough to be circumspect in one's interactions with them, though, Sophie! Hugs and wags, YAM-aunty xxx
I hope that the sight of the calves didn't dampen Sophie's enthusiasm for another best day ever.
We should all start the day like Sophie, the best day ever, and worlds to explore, adventures to be had
Thank you for passing along Sophie's best day ever attitude. It will bring a smile to your readers and that's a good start to more best days ever.
Look out, Sophie. If there are cows today, horses and donkeys may not be far behind. Glorious skies.
Cows, ducks, albino crows, gulls, oyster catchers, deer, bull terriers, Jack Russells, dachshunds, exam-cramming students,, Irish tourists, kilted Americans, medieval scholars...every day is a new surprise for you all! And us.
At least Sophie need not worry about encountering a moose. I myself would love to encounter a hoopoe.
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