Thursday, September 14, 2023



At the start of the week the wind from the sea suddenly got colder and you knew that autumn had arrived. The number of birds heading south along the coast in search of warmth rose sharply. This morning the temperatures have fallen again and there's no mistaking the first hint of winter in the air. The heating is now on and the thin silk duvet has been replaced with something more robust.  Jumpers are moved from the back of the wardrobe to the front. Out on the track that leads down to the sea some of the villages smallest inhabitants are busy. The shrews and voles are scurrying backwards and forwards putting the final touches to their winter quarters . For them this is not a time to dawdle. Better than any human they know that in a  week the autumn equinox will be here and the nights will start drawing in sharply.

In readiness for the Dunhill tournament the golf club has called in a large crane to get the lagging building work back on schedule. They have all of three weeks to get back on schedule. Workers vans from the other side of the country hint at a last minute panic. 

No dead birds on the beach this morning. I'd like to think this signals that Avia flu has peaked. More probably it tells us that most of the birds are already well on their way south.


jabblog said...

There's a nip in the air even in the soft south. Pleasant sunshine this morning but not warm.

Yamini MacLean said...

Hari OM
Yup, there's definitely been a switch flicked in Nature's climate control; whistling winds and slick squalls this side of the Bonny Land. Plus the odd orange leaf... YAM xx

Diaday said...

It is fascinating how animals know how and when to prepare for the upcoming season. They have no calendars to remind them of the date, they just know.

Travel said...

Still waiting for cooler weather here, 31.1 when I went out to get my hair cut yesterday afternoon.

Coppa's girl said...

Let's hope you're right, Angus, and Avian Flu is over or on the wain.
For the past two nights we've had violent electrical storms, usually a sign that summer is over and cooler weather is on the way. This morning's dog walk was pleasant and the hazy sun held very little warmth. Now I notice that it's 27Cº and a near record. High winds are expected soon, and if that means our dreaded "Gota Fria" then I'd better bring the washing in!

Jake of Florida said...

Ah me, 84F at 8am. 90Fs later in the day. So I enjoy the chill of St. Andrews environs virtually!!!

rottrover said...

One of you best sunrise photos, Angus. How do the fancy radiators and under floor heating work? Are you toasty?