A chat with the Manhattanites. They are surprised with this weeks pronouncements by a Presidential hopeful. General Milley is a 'traitor' , NBC is 'one-sided' and with regards to the coming debt negotiations ' Unless you get everything. Shut it down !' The Manhattanites fear the uncertainty and polarization will slow the economy further ..perhaps sharply.
Another 'Scottish' start to the day but despite the south westerly wind the golf courses are busy. Viewing stands are up and marquees erected. A large Rotary Club tent has appeared by the club house. The Dunhill tournament starts in a week or so. We follow a stream of sensibly dressed gentlemen pushing golf carts as they head towards the course coffee stand : https://www.alfreddunhilllinks.com/ This is I think the first day when wooly hats outnumber baseball caps. Wardrobes are changing as winter nears.
'You are my sunshine'. One song. Two totally different takes . This ones all happy :https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=U-4og90KIBg . And here's Bryan Ferry singing it. What a difference :https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QXepW3qen1I Which is better ? Happy or sad ?
I'm a little bit disappointed you avoided the PH. A report on the follow up dip in the North Sea is something your readers might savour.
Cheers! Gail.
PS I'd vote for Bing.
These days all politics, and most politicians make me cringe. Not that I've ever been a political follower. So much embarrassment generated these days.
The mere thought of a dip in the North Sea makes me shiver. The beaches here are still full of sunbathers and the sea full of swimmers but we are a few kilometres further south.
Hari OM
Given the lyrics could be read as having been written by a coercive controller whose woman has finally been able to escape him, the BF version is probably the more appropriate. I never did understand why this song has been given such an upbeat run by so many (and I suspect most listeners of not actually doing so beyond the first two lines...) YAM xx
Sometimes, I worry we may all be moving past the point of being surprised by anything, so it is weirdly good to know that this past week's events surprised the Manhattanites. I loved Brian Ferry's version of the song, which I'd never heard before. I wonder if there's a Brian Ferry version of "White Christmas" out there somewhere.
DC is bracing for a few weeks of non-activity. Wish I was in St. A.
Agreeing with YAM, never liked the song or lyrics. However, absolutely loved the link showing a birds eye view of the course. So beautiful.
I dislike both renderings, but at least Bing could sing.
How could your Manhattanites be surprised? Shocked perhaps or horrified...but little is surprising anymore with said person.
In the second photo, I feel like I am standing still on the beach, and the clouds are rushing past me above. Magnificent!
A very apt description.
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