Tuesday, September 5, 2023

Dog faces

'Puppy' arrives at the gate. 'Puppy' is now too large to squeeze through the bars.

Her elder sister shows up to sort things out. Elder sister is also too big to squeeze into the garden. This state of affairs is not accepted in silence. Angus spent much of yesterday on a Zoom call with the garden designer. The garden designer is oblivious to cost and waves away all attempts to establish firm figures. The phrase ' it will look stunning ' is used so frequently it starts to grate.  At more than one stage I think of ending the contract and firing him. It is finally agreed that he will show up for an on site meeting on Thursday morning with a written estimate. " Good luck with that " says 'The Font'. 

Town is now quiet. We have the beach to ourselves. You'd expect the shore to be teeming with students but it seems that early rising is not a youthful trait.

We have a chance to saunter around town untroubled by crowds. 

The faces of the Scotties by the Sea are all different.

Some are more successful than others.



Yamini MacLean said...

Hari OM
All faces are worth gazing at... particularly the wee living ones! YAM xx

WFT Nobby said...

Puppy might soon be able to jump over the gate.
In Aberdeen in August we had a trail of painted hares. (In previous years, from memory, we've had seals, dolphins and frogs. ) Yesterday I spotted a lorry on the A90 carrying away five of these hares.
Cheers! Gail.
PS Best of luck with the garden designer...

jabblog said...

How can you resist those pleading looks? . . . or the insistent terrier barking?

Coppa's girl said...

Once the pups gain entry, they will consider it their right to have 24/7 access to LWHBD, and insist on becoming official tasters in the kitchen! Even dogs have their sense of entitlement.
Those Scotties are charming and very inventively "dressed".
I recently had something similar to your problem with your garden designer - who is well qualified and with good references, I hope? A local builder here, no written estimate and the day after he visited, two men turned up to start work. I hadn't even agreed to their doing the work. Vastly over priced, shoddy workmanship and the job never completed. I also had to pay in cash, and refused to give the whole amount up front, but he was there each morning until I'd paid the agreed amount. Then they all disappeared leaving the job half done. It's the first time I've known such a thing here - usually the workmen are excellent, so I'd like to think they were a one-off.

Ruth said...

There just has to have been a scratch behind those ears and a tummy rub to show big sister that a pitiful gaze will do the trick.

~Kim at Golden Pines~ said...

Sometimes an elder sister is needed to sort things out - Being the only sister, I can attest to that.

I love the Scottie faces, they truly are as unique as their theme!

Travel said...

Asking for a written estimate and setting limits on a budget, the designed will think you are a local.

Fay said...

And will the "stunning" new garden incorporate a Scotty?

Angus said...

Fay - It may well do although we might discover they don't weather well.

Anonymous said...

Oh dear, Big Sister has a face I would find impossible to ignore! I don’t envy you and Font having to enforce a “You don’t live here - go home!” rule but surely it will come to that I reckon…. Still, I do still love seeing a canine or two here. :-). LizinOregon

Anonymous said...

Those doggie faces remind of Charlie Chaplin (except that they "speak" rather loudly, at times!!!

The Bougalou Bear said...

Would the JRs be so bold if a certain Diva were still around, one wonders?

I love the Frieda Kahlo vibe of the third scottie.

Good luck with the garden designer!

Anonymous said...

Puppy looks forlorn!

Louise in Az