Thursday, September 7, 2023

The Malteser cake.


Last night there was a really thick haar. The drive back from dinner through the pea souper taken at a prudent 20 mph. This morning , out here on the coast, it's back to clear skies and a sun that's trying to generate some warmth. In an hour or so the landscape gardener is due to show up with his revised plans and costings . What's the betting he doesn't have any firm pricing ?

The lecture on pigeon rearing was every bit as interesting as you'd expect a lecture on the subject could be. I'd imagined that racing and homing pigeons might be discussed but we stick resolutely to the matter in hand. Some polite questions are asked about feral pigeons 'mixing' with the domesticated variety.  For the £3 entry fee we get a cup of coffee and a slice of 'Chocolate Malteser' cake. 

Angus gives the Chocolate Malteser cake a 10/10. It must be the better part of half a century since I last ate a Malteser and it comes as something of a surprise to find  that they are still made. The entry ticket also allows us to visit the local farmers renaissance doocot. I can report that this looks much the same on the inside as it does on the outside.  Life here in the village has an excitement all of its own.

The farmers wife is very pleased with this years squash harvest. 

There is a village C-A-T. We've not seen it before probably because it seems to spend its day dozing in a sunny spot down by the potato barns. It doesn't stir as we wend our way home from the lecture. In fact it exhibits a 'life is good' contentment.

Back in town the freshers are still enjoying the novelty of wearing their gowns. They are also at that stage where they venture out in groups rather than singly. 'Clumps' of these fresh faced arrivals can be found on every street corner where they stand and chat . They are oblivious to any other pedestrians that might wish to pass by.


WFT Nobby said...

Malteser slices are a mainstay of the tray bake offering in and around Aberdeen. Delicious too.
Angus should not trivialise the matter of pigeon rearing. I seem to remember that knowledge of pigeon breeding was one of the topics that inspired Darwin in developing his theory of evolution!
Cheers, Gail.

Ruth said...

I'm glad to see that the simple pleasures of an embroidered tablecloth and a posy in a jar are still to be enjoyed in your village hall.

jabblog said...

Racing/homing pigeons are beautiful and definitely superior to the common or garden variety. We had a Scottish racer join us for a few days a few years ago. We knew it was Scottish by its leg ring.

Yamini MacLean said...

Hari OM
A bargain three quid, I'd say... (also leaves me wondering how much was raised for the cause, unless the cake baking was donated...) YAM xx

Coppa's girl said...

Ruth's remark echoes my own thoughts when I saw the embroidered tablecloth in your photo. My husband's family were Scots, so there were a good number of excellent embroiderers and I inherited all my mother-in-law's linen. I gave some tablecloths to a friend here for the Charity shop she worked for. She couldn't bear to part with them, so gave a donation to the shop and kept them. Last week she commented on the cloth she was using - it was one I had given her and still much admired whenever she used it.
Good luck with the gardener - it's the Landscape part of his title that pushes the price up!

~Kim at Golden Pines~ said...

I agree with you, Malteser cake, hands down, a favorite chocolate cake. It’s soft, sweet and the chocolate malt maltesers make it completely irresistible. It would be good to have before and/or after meeting with the landscaper. I hope it goes well!

Travel said...

The cake looks like it was worth the price of admission. Maybe fill the garden with birds, and dogs to keep the C-A-T away.

Angus said...

Yamini - If the wine donations are any guide then it can safely be assumed that the cakes are provided free of charge.

sillygirl said...

Just want you to know I look forward to your daily postings. It is always a relief from the crazed world.

Anonymous said...

I feasted on the cake with my eyes and wish I had a slice. The doocot is absolutely gorgeous.

Jake of Florida said...

Something brand new to me: Malteser cake. Apparently it has a whole story of its own here in the states with a Mars/Hershey controversy that has since been resolved.

Stephanie said...

Such cheering pictures this morning and I too have my eye on that lovely tablecloth.