Tuesday, September 19, 2023

Settling back.

The geese watch us wander down the path to the shore. As we pass the gate they rise into the air, circle the headland and then settle back down amid much irritated honking. A hare, startled by their antics, races away through the stubble. It sees us, does an improbable high speed turn  and then leaps over the stone dyke before disappearing in the long grass. By the waters edge a doe and her two fawns pause and look towards us. Mother decides we're too far away to be a threat. 

Grey and wet when we set off but by the time we've made it into town there's  some blue sky to be seen. We stop and look at a tree that has grown up through an old stone  wall. Which came first ? The tree or the wall ?

A little further down the road the medieval sight of spear tips pointing out over another garden wall. What historical re-enactment is being practised here ?

Bannockburn Scottie continues to be the centre of attention outside the town library. On a weekend he is usually to be found with toddlers clinging excitedly to his back.

Back at 'The last wee house before Denmark' Puppy rushes over to greet us with a newly found potato.  Some things in life simply must be shared. Puppy, it has to be said, lives a very magical Enid Blyton life.

The village and the villagers ( human and animal ) are  settling back into their winter routines.

Life ain't easy for an ant :https://science.ku.dk/english/press/news/2023/brain-altering-parasite-turns-ants-into-zombies-at-dawn-and-dusk/


WFT Nobby said...

Puppy is utterly adorable. His legs are growing!

Tigger's Mum said...

That liver fluke virus is the stuff sci fi movies are made of. Turns out it isn't fiction!

jabblog said...

I like trees in walls - not good for the walls, I suppose.
The insects will take over the world and then the parasites will take over the insects and we shall all crumble into nothingness.

Travel said...

Someone has done a good job of allowing the tree and the wall to co-exist.

Lisa in France said...

I am definitely not going to read that link and will instead focus only on Puppy and the Bannockburn Scottie.

Anonymous said...

Delightful little pup.

Fay said...

Ah, the now famous portrait, entitled "Puppy with Potato"....

Camille said...

I had to look up Enid Blyton and then felt a little sad as I missed all her books as a child. Puppy is adorable. I wonder what her name is...or is it actually puppy?

Angus said...

Camille - Being a no nonsense farm dog Puppy is indeed called Puppy. Lola might be a better name for her.

10NISNE1 said...

Seeing Puppy always brightens my day! :)

Coppa's girl said...

How nice of Puppy to show you her spoils. She's such a sweet little girl.
The Scotties add such a touch of colour and interest - you'll miss them when they're gone.

rottrover said...

I'm with Lisa this morning!

Gemma's person said...

Looks as if puppy wants to share with you both!

~Kim at Golden Pines~ said...

I left a comment from work today, and stopped by this evening to see if it made it - I got interrupted by the doctor as I was finishing it and thought I may have missed a click. I guess I did.

So I will say again that I just read recently that dogs shouldn't eat too many raw potatoes - However, I'm thinking that "Puppy" hasn't read that and enjoyed her found treasure!

I am really enjoying the "Scotties by the Sea." So much so that I finally downloaded the app - I've enjoyed reading the bios on each one you've posted. Thank you for taking the time and doing that. It's the next best thing to being there.

Angus said...

Kim at G P - I guess that Puppy is a real farm dog - raw potatoes are discovered, bitten and then discarded. I'm guessing she views this as a useful agricultural skill. Her fearlessness around tractors is much more of a threat to her health than potatoes.

Anonymous said...

The UKC in the US recognizes the American Bully as a companion dog and the website page describing the standard for the breed specifically states that "Aggressive behavior towards humans is uncharacteristic of the breed, and highly undesirable."

The AKC does not recognize the breed.