Monday, September 11, 2023

Prim and proper.


Some much needed rain last night but this morning the clouds have largely drifted away and the sky is blue ...or at least blueish. The large potato harvester has reappeared in the field outside 'The Fonts' cabin after a week long absence. The potato crop this year is so bountiful the farmer is having problems in finding storage for the crop. He had to stop harvesting here until he could arrange for the frozen chip company to come and clear out his three overflowing potato barns.  They're now empty and he can begin harvesting the remainder of the field.

The two pigeons that call the garden home have taken to roosting on the fence facing the side of the new cabin. Can it be they like company ? They were here when we arrived and clearly view the garden as theirs. They have no fear.

We're early enough to have the beach to ourselves with the exception of Archie the arthritic Labrador and the lady with the Pomeranian. We offer Archies owner the dog ramp so that he can get up into the back of the car more easily. She says she bought an Audi estate with a low back sill so he could manage but now even this is getting too much for him. I shall get the ramp out of the garage today and take it down to her tomorrow. Archie is at that happy stage where he takes life as it comes. This morning he's found an old tennis ball on the beach which he clutches in his jaws with a palpable sense of pride.

The new semester starts today. The golfers are now outnumbered by a cohort of late teens. Lecturers in 'smart casual' wear can be seen hurrying purposefully along the streets. The summer days of visitors in flip flops and shorts are behind us. The old town is back to being prim and proper.

We discover that there are miniature Scotties. This one is in the window of the gift shop by the town fountain.

The large Scottie that's been placed in front of the apartment building that Donald Trump tried to buy ( but couldn't get a mortgage for ) has a cheeky face.

But perhaps not as cheeky as the one by the 5 star hotel.


The Life of Riley said...

I Googled "St Andrews and Scotties" and found there is a website and app for the 30 big and 15 wee dogs currently on display Thank you for your pictures showing the dogs with thier surroundings! It is great to see them in context, and I hope you and "The Font" get to discover all 45 dogs on display.

WFT Nobby said...

Please God there isn't a 'Donald Trump Scottie' in the collection...

Yamini MacLean said...

Hari OM
... with three glass walls, I do hope the garden room doesn't become a site of bird strike... That mini-Scottie is cheerful... YAM xx

Lisa in France said...

It's very thoughtful of you to offer Sophie's ramp for Archie's use. Hopefully, he will take to it the same way she did (after, as I recall, many other tries).

Coppa's girl said...

I have thoughts on the pigeons eyeing up the garden room but mine are that they are trying to think of the best way to make their mark on the pristine glass. It's what the ones in my garden do every time I clean the windows or wash the car.
The Scotties just get better and better. I'm looking forward to seeing them all on the website.

jabblog said...

I like wood pigeons - great galumphing birds that they are, but reliable.

Travel said...

A sensible prim and proper place that figured out how to keep DJT out of town. I should move there.

Angus said...

Travel - Neither the Bank of Scotland nor The Royal Bank of Scotland believed in the valuations of his assets.

Lizzie said...

The scotties get better and better.
It makes sense that the sensible Scots banks would not be fooled by that buffoon. I would move there, too.

Gemma's person said...

Nothing is holding you back from moving.Take JRB with you , won't you.

rottrover said...

Perhaps a wee scottie for the Cabin? I like 5-star Scottie this morning.

Gemma's person said...

I wonder if the pigeons think it is a human zoo? The cabin.

CheerfulMonk said...

I'm almost 84, and I loved the part about Archie so much I shared it in a post. Thank you!

Again, thank you for continuing your blog.