The ladies of the village are up and about early. A group of them are sitting, deep in conversation, at the wooden picnic table outside the potato barns. We wave and shout out 'Good Morning'. The farmers wife stands up and walks over to inform us that ' The BBC Radio is coming to the village hall at nine to interview us about the pea harvest. I hope we're up to the task '. ' The Font' tells them that the BBC would have to go a long way to find anyone half as knowledgeable about pea growing. This improbable compliment seems to be what was needed. They all laugh and promise to give us their autographs.

The Walker Cup has rolled into town. A more patrician golfing tournament it would be hard to imagine. The grandfather of George Herbert Walker Bush organized the 'amateur' tournament in the 1920's and it's been going strong ever since. You know its patrician because town is suddenly full of American men in blazers and chinos and women wearing a single row of pearls. Think of Kennebunkport on July 4th and you're halfway there. On the spot of five o'clock a Royal Air Force jet fighter comes hurtling over the 1st tee at three hundred feet and then pulls up and shoots vertically into the air. To get a Eurofighter to open your golf competition signals that strings have been pulled. To get a Eurofighter to fly that low over St Andrews with its afterburners on signals that the strings that were pulled were very important ones indeed. Tourists stand and gawp. I see a middle age couple frozen half way across the street with their mouths wide open as they watch the fighter thunder its way skyward. Parents delivering their offspring for Freshers Week are left to ponder what sort of place their little darlings have come to.
We pause to admire the one outside the old library and then , a little later, watch as a man whips off an orange cover to reveal the 'Battle of Bannockburn' design that's in pride of place outside the Pizza restaurant. The man with the orange blanket informs us that there are 19 artist decorated Scotties around town. They will be auctioned off for the childrens cancer hospice in a month or so.
I'm not so sure about the design on the Scottie outside the picture house....
.... but the one down by the beach has a certain sea meets the sand elegance. Our task for the coming week will be to track down the others.
So starts a Saturday morning in a town teeming with super polite golfers and wide eyed 18 year olds writing a new chapter in their lives. The sun shines down on both.
Hari OM
Yeah, the Day Of The Dead version doesn't quite ring true for Scotland... then again, anything can happen in a cinema, right? I see this trail is to last ten weeks... wonder if I can get myself organised to go see some... YAM xx
I'll be listening out for your pea-growing neighbour on Farming Today!
The Scotties are great, and my daughter would vote for the Day of the Dead version for sure. And I would have loved to see (and hear) the fighter plane. We’ve just arrived in Glasgow but reading today’s post makes me feel we should have pencilled in a stop in St. Andrews.
Look forward to seeing all the Scotties you can track down! They do look a cheerful bunch, and what a worthy cause.
I like the Scotties trail - very jolly idea and for a good cause, too.
I love the Scottie trail! We had a cow trail locally but I much prefer the Scotties.
Oh Angus, thank you for the photos - They are amazing - It's hard to pick a favorite, each one is truly unique! I read that the Scotties are also to help support local businesses so, they are not sharing too many photos on social media, (I've looked) because they want you to download the app and take the art trail - How I wish I could do just that! I hope the donations along with the auction in November surpass their hopes and expectations. So much work has gone into this effort. --Thanks again for the photos!
Let us know how the BBC pea interview goes. What fun for that group. I made soup yesterday, and the one thing I forgot .... peas.
The Scottie by the Sea brought back thoughts of Sophie and her walks along the beach, her joy of running into the ocean, and your photos of her looking out at the sea.
I can't think of a better start to the weekend, than a jet showing what it can really do. I remember the first time I saw one show what it could do. You could add a sculpture to the gardens at the last house before Denmark.
The Scotties are marvelous; looking forward to your further discoveries.
The beach-inspired Scottie is my favorite so far. But more await your tracking! Happy art trail.
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