Saturday, September 9, 2023



'The Fonts' new cabin is a great success. The views out from the  windows onto the North Sea are stunning. It is the perfect place to write or watch the flocks of birds heading south along the coast.  Some thought will need to be given to keeping the inside cool ...or at least cooler . It has been built with a clever ventilation system that catches the coastal breezes but this struggles when the air is still and the temperatures hover in the high 20's for days on end. A Velux opening window in the roof might be the best solution. The architect points out that for nine months of the year 'cooling' is going to be the least of our concerns.

We have parted ways with the landscape gardener. He arrived for the meeting on Thursday morning with grandiose ideas but no hint of their cost. It seems he wishes to go through life untainted by such mundanities. We have now parted ways.  In the interim we shall have the ground turfed over for the winter and revisit things in the Spring.

On a morning like this it's easy to envy the students who live in the hall of residence down on the coast. Surfers can get from bed and onto the shore in two minutes.  The town is again approaching peak student. All 10,000 of them are due to be here this weekend. The first years continue to wander round looking lost. The bad news for them is that the student night club has been closed. The building surveyors have discovered that the concrete it was built from in the early-70's  has become brittle and prone to collapse.

A sick Guillemot down on the beach and another on the harbour slipway. Heartbreaking. Avian flu does not kill these most gentle and graceful birds quickly. 

As we head back to the car I count three carcasses on the tideline. A man from the Oceanographic Institute wanders over and confirms that they are Guillemots. ' They often live to 25 years ' he says , and then adds ' or they used to'. 


WFT Nobby said...

The ongoing avian flu epidemic is heartbreaking indeed.
Anyone who thinks that cooling the cabin will be an issue for a whole three months of the year is surely being optimistic about the weather conditions in Eastern Scotland...

Yamini MacLean said...

Hari OM
Indeed, most seabirds have quite lengthy lives - if left to live them. Difficult not to be very disheartened by sights such as these.

As for cooling, I have a link to a very effective wee fan on my Friday post - I even bought another, I was so pleased with it! And at ten quid, considerably more cost-effective than roof-lites! YAM xx

jabblog said...

So very sad to see sick birds.

Coppa's girl said...

It's so distressing to see these poor sick birds, and know there is nothing you can do to help them.
Seems a sensible idea to have the garden turfed over. You can then assess, and fine hone your own ideas over the winter, rather than letting a fanciful designer loose!

Teena and Lala said...

Both beautiful and very sad pictures today, those poor things.

How arrogant to assume cost is not a concern. I'm sure yourself and Mme Font have lots of wonderful ideas that I'm sure with the assistance a few robust students, grateful for the work, will be able to realise.

I love Mme Font's new office. Would be a fantastic space to paint.

Have a great weekend.


~Kim at Golden Pines~ said...

Well, at least the landscape gardener showed up so you could part ways in person. But then, maybe he thought if he came, you wouldn't have the nerve to fire him if he was in front of you.

It is both heartbreaking and a helpless feeling to not be able to do anything to help the beautiful sea birds.

Stephanie said...

Heartbreaking indeed about the birds. A wise farewell to the landscape gardener. Your remark of "he wishes to go through life untainted by such mundanities" as cost estimates is perfect.

Travel said...

Sad about the birds.
Just before I started Rollins closed the on campus bar, never to reopen.

rottrover said...

Both beauty and sadness in today's post. I believe that sunrise photo is one of your best! You and the Font have good gardener's eyes. You probably don't need a fancy "designer." The plan for winter turf seems sound. Enjoy your weekend :-)

Jake of Florida said...

Nothing so sad as the sight of those sweet ailing seabirds, knowing so far there is no solution to the spreading avian flu. Indeed I just read the Antarctic is predicted to be next.