Monday, September 18, 2023

I'd be so chuffed.

The train leaves Kings Cross on time and arrives in Leuchars two minutes late. There is heavy rain across the Midlands so there's not much to see until we cross the Forth.

The Royal Air Force Scottie at the station is a fine fellow with a very Battle of Britain vibe. He's here because there's  an old airbase on the other side of the road. The Army has taken over the base but of late jet fighters have made a comeback. This is a perfect spot for intercepting Russian aircraft coming south after they've rounded the top of Norway.

Flying helmet, Mae West, Sergeants stripes and  goggles all hint that some research was put into the design of this chap. He's also got 'happy' eyes.

There's  another Scottie down in the wee garden in front of the theatre. This one has a Tartan collar. This brings our total of Scottie sightings to fourteen. It's taken time but they've now become quite a tourist draw. Families with excited children can be seen wandering the streets in search of them.

Down on the golf course the headrests in a parked car hint that this vehicle may belong to a dog owner.

A seagull chick is standing patiently on the grass near the yacht club cafe. Unsuspecting first year students seem oblivious to the fact there is a sandwich stealer watching their every move. Despite the cold the youngsters have been for a start of day swim and are now waiting for a revitalising bacon and egg toastie.

When we get home we find a small crowd of villagers standing in the courtyard. They've been watching Basking Sharks. Half a dozen have been seen close inshore by the ragged rocks the cormorants call home. The news has spread quickly and the crowd has gathered. A lady in her late seventies is overjoyed. ' They didn't come last year and to have them back is such great news '. To show her happiness the lady does a little jig.  Another, equally excited lady , hopes that the dolphins will also show up. 'That would be just wonderful. I'd be so chuffed '. That's a phrase I haven't heard in a long time. Both ladies then jabber happily away to each other.


WFT Nobby said...

Love the RAF Scottie and his 'made for Scottie ears' flying helmet. The ghost forest article is earmarked for later. 'Chuffed' is indeed a phrase not heard much theses days. My current book group read is the first of Elizabeth Jane Howard's 'Cazalet Chronicles' novels.She has a perfectly tuned ear for phrases and expressions I haven't heard since my grandmother died.
Cheers, Gail.

Coppa's girl said...

What fun to go on a Scottie hunt! Is some enterprising entrepreneur doing Scotties tours? The RAF Scottie is, I think, the best one so far, with such attention to detail. I should imagine he will command a high price at auction.
Hope the chick manages to find a few unsuspecting sandwich-eating students.

Yamini MacLean said...

Hari OM
I adore both of these Scotties! ...and admit to getting lost in daydream planning for a Basking Shark Tour...YAM xx

Travel said...

Collecting all of the dogs sounds like a good goal. Most Washington DC is just a few feet above sea level, it could be an interesting century

jabblog said...

The RAF Scottie is very 'chocks away'.
We still use 'chuffed' - maybe it's more of a south of England expression.

Lisa in France said...

I also love the RAF Scottie, although the other more subdued Scottie with the tartan collar has its own appeal. I hadn't realized that "chuffed" might be outdated as an expression. One of my favorite characters in Elizabeth George's murder mysteries uses that expression all the time - but then again, Elizabeth George is American.

William said...

Thought it was nice that your station’s town had streets named after RAF airplanes from WW2.

Anonymous said...

Thank you for sharing the article about the dying trees. As a mid-Atlantic resident, I've noticed the phenomena in our area- MD/VA-Chincoteague & Assateague, and the Outer Banks of NC. Hopefully some of the climate change will lead to increased "biomass" inland from the rising seas. However, most of the "biomass" in our area seems to be that of humans encroaching on formerly undeveloped land.

Jake of Florida said...

My Google search tells me that "chuffed " can go two ways: pleased and happy or displeased and unhappy. The latter is how I think I've seen it used in some tales, but which is the more common nowadays?

rottrover said...

Chuff is also a sound tigers, and some rotties, make.