Thursday, January 24, 2019

The work continues.

The ladies from the Women's Cooperative show up at at eight. They are making glacial progress but promise that Angus's office will be painted and papered by close of business tomorrow.  The bedrooms will take a little longer to complete . It seems that they will be finished ' in a week or so '. 

It pours all morning. The cleaning lady hoovers upstairs, the bib overall wearing ladies work down below. The PONs get under everyones feet. In the afternoon it's dry but chilly. Bob and Sophie ( who are by now stir crazy ) are allowed out and chase invisible things and bark at the wind.

On the other side of the lane The Old Farmers central heating belches clouds of black acrid smoke, then stops. The PONs watch as I carry two electric radiators over to him. We have a convesration about how expensive they'll be to run. '' It'll only be for a day or two " I tell him - with perhaps more hope than is entirely wise.

At the end of an exciting day Sophie settles in the snug and is soon asleep. Not even a foot bath can dislodge the mud that's worked its way into her paws from mole hill excavating.

This was played on Radio Nostalgie this morning :


Poppy Q said...

I think Sophie has the right idea.

WFT Nobby said...

Bertie, who is subjected to an almost daily thorough paw bath (the price of keeping those painful interdigital cysts at bay) feels sympathy with dear Sophie.

Yamini MacLean said...

Hari OM
Morning all... work progressing, Sophie relaxing, music encompassing... delights once again from the ROF. YAM xx

Taste of France said...

How's the Karcher working out for you?
Not sure Ed Sheeran would be thrilled to already be relegated to Nostalgie. kid learned that very song on the piano last month. The teacher alternates pop tunes with classical works. This week's selection is "Stairway to Heaven." This results in both parents singing along during piano practice and scowls from the pianist.
Good luck to the OF--hope he stays warm.

rottrover said...

The music , a perfect antidote to the chaos of the women's collective. Beautiful. I have tears in my eyes.

Bailey Bob Southern Dog said...

Last week, I was alone, having lunch in a Thi restaurant, when the music switched to Andrea singing ‘ Time To Say Goodbye’. Involuntary tears streaming down my face, I asked for a to go box. I think Bob and Sophie look forward to singing that to the Lady workers in their home!

Emm said...

Your office looks like a very pleasant space from which to observe the frailties of the world and to reassure the men in dark suits. Or will, someday. Hope the OF stays warm enough.

Emm said...

the link of Bocelli and Sheeran is wonderful. It reminded me of this one, Domingo and Denver back when.