Friday, July 5, 2019

Clearing out the oleanders.

The heat building again.

The PONs alternate their sleeping arrangements between the cold tiled floors downstairs ....

.... and the cold tiled floors upstairs.

This morning they can be found upstairs.

The 'Beautiful Floral Village' judges are due here on Monday.

Ahead of their arrival there is a veritable hive of last minute activity.

A young man is clambering up the church tower. His job to remove the oleanders that have taken root in the belfry.

Down below a group of older men are hard at work on the swaying Jesus. They have arranged a series of ropes and pulleys to bring the statue towards the vertical, or as near vertical as it will go. '' We do this all the time '' says the most senior man as if the country is full of swaying Jesus's. Perhaps he has made a niche career for himself in straigthening sacerdotal statuary.

Bob and Sophie having examined what is going on in great detail are eventually satisfied and head off home. Sophie leads the way while Bob lingers behind to christen the tyres on both sets of workmens vans.

Just another excitement laden day in a small village in deepest deepest France profonde.

The difference between Japan and China


WFT Nobby said...

So does departure from the vertical of the sacerdotal statuary lose points in the 'Beautiful Floral Village' contest?
I am imagining a scoring chart including the category ' Jesus upright (10 points), slanting 0-5º (7 points), 5-10º (4 points), >10º (0 points).
Cheers! Gail.

Yamini MacLean said...

Hari OM
Hehe, I was having similar thoughts to Gail on the matter of the statue. Also, that the floral contributions of the church spire would be considered counter-productive. The sleepy village is certainly buzzing! YAM xx

Bailey Bob Southern Dog said...

Or, the Judges deciding they liked it better when it swayed!