The village tikes and their big sister have had a party. We know this because the thump thump thump of disco hits floats through the air at two am. 'The Font' observes that Sunday night is an unusual time for a party. 'Not if you're ten years old and it's the start of the school holidays ' observes Angus. He could also have added that with the temperature approaching 40 degrees during the day the pre-dawn hours are the only possible time to party. Both of us, having listened to it endlessly, now know the words to this :
The PONs seem to not to have heard the noise. They are both fully rested , 100% awake and brimming over with supercharged energy by half past five.
The garden is checked for signs of C-A-T-S or squirrels. All is well. Sophie barks for no other reason than she can.
A quick trip to the market for cheese ... and bread. Slivers and crumbs, respectively, for my companions.
Then to the wine store for a mixed case of Marange and Blagny ...
... and finally to the bakers. Then there's time for a shared croissant and a bowl of fresh water before returning home.
Night shift medical residents food. What could this possibly taste like ? Has anyone ever seen one ? Real 7 Up flavour ! Only in America. Next time he's in the US Angus will scour the aisles of Walmart to see if they have them on sale :

Not everyday we have something from Tehran. Not everything is as it seems ... or is reported :
That cake says "real 7Up flavor" not "7Up", weasel-wording to hide that it's even more full of things you don't want to ingest than it seems. Don't fall for that; the dog clock was a warning signal. Soon, you won't be allowed in housewares departments unsupervised.
The Tarte Citron Meringuee looks very interesting, and energetic.
Really enjoyed today's trip to the shops - the cheese look especially interesting.
This avid fan of the 'Tour de France' had to laugh at a clip of President Macron shaking hand with the exhausted riders at the end of yesterday's stage, and the commentator's observation that the President was apparently congratulating them on having the good fortune to meet him!
L'etat c'est moi is a concept that has survived from the days of Louis XIV !
Ouu yuck 7 up cake - how disgusting. I like the look of the offerings at the bakers today. The chocolate opera cake on the right look like just the reward you need after a big walk with the PONs.
I feel really old but I agree - 2am is too late for 10 year olds - school holidays or not.
That song seems appropriate for a preteen gathering. Far better than "Nuit de Folie" by Debut de Soirée, a must on every wedding DJ's playlist, along with Macumba by Jean-Pierre Made. And when they play Les Lacs du Connemara by Michel Sardou, you know the party is almost's played near the end, when everybody is good and drunk and belting along.
Dear Friends,
The "7-Up" cake has been around for years here in the U.S. as a pound-cake like glazed bundt cake. It's quite tasty and not as horrible as one might think (when made from "scratch.") Check out this link from the New York Times -
Shari from Aberdeen, MD
I also think the song sounds fun, if one is forced to hear it played repeatedly. In the second picture Sophie looks to be issuing orders to Bob, in front of a dynamic backdrop! The stores were a delightful shopping adventure, thank you for taking us with you!
Angus, who has unsophisticated taste buds, doesn't think it sound horrible at all. The Font has different views.
We took a listen to the song. It sounds very relaxing and nice. Love the photo of those delicious looking sweets. Hope you are staying cool during the hot weather. Thanks for the share. Have a wonderful day.
World of Animals
We carry those cakes at Safeway and Albersons here in the states.Homemade would be much better. Packaged ones are over sweet and to many preservatives. I'm sad that France lets such garbage in and that's what America chooses to send.Many Americans have no idea they are eating bad food anymore as they have never tasted good food.
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