Monday, July 1, 2019


Out early to check on the pool. When I get back Bob is at the front door to meet me. From his look I'd have to assume it's been a rough night. We were going to discuss how one day Huawei is a security threat and then the next day it isn't but this morning Bobs not interested in putting the world to rights. He has a squirrel to chase.

While Angus waters the pot plants the PONs settle down in a shady corner of the garden. Cooler this morning. A refreshing 21 degrees at six am. It looks as though the hot air coming up from North Africa has been and gone. A bearable 33 forecast for today. The PONs are mighty happy. The mayor drives along in his little battered Renault. I wave. He waves.

Sophie has had another trim. Seems the more it's cut the faster it grows.

The wisteria on the front of the house is blooming for the second time this year. Is it possible we'll have a third flowering in September ? I clamber up a ladder and trim the fronds that have wrapped themselves round the security lights. Bob watches with his tail wagging.

Off for a curvy croissant end at the cafe while the air is cool. On our way back home we park and have a walk along the river bank. The Monday morning 'antique' dealers are setting up their stalls for the start of the tourist season

Angus wonders what sort of passing tourist would buy a slightly damaged doll or a pair of plastic chairs.

This is a hope springs eternal type of 'antique' market.  How elastic the word ''antique '' has become. Bob is hurried along before he attempts to christen any of the antique stalls.

Winners and losers :


Bella Roxy & Macdui said...

A squirrel you can chase tops trying to work out world problems any day.

WFT Nobby said...

That doll reminds me why I hated dolls a a child. The chairs are pretty gruesome too.
But I'm glad the temperatures are cooling down for you all.
I'm sure Bertie's coat grows faster than when he was younger. Is it an age thing? (His or mine!)
Cheers, Gail.

Taste of France said...

Have you heard the cigales in your area? I expected thunderous racket from them when the temperatures climbed, but for days heard not a single one. On Friday I heard a couple of them, but nothing again during the weekend. Have they been killed off? And now that the lavender is in bloom, only a couple of bees are working it, not the dozens we had previously.
I hadn't realized before that the Rickety Old Farmhouse is brick, like the buildings in Toulouse, and not stone. Interesting how building techniques change in such a small distance.

Yamini MacLean said...

Hari OM USA doesn't want to import anything from China, but couldn't survive without the export partnership? Aha.

I am sure Angus knows that "antique" only applies to items which are 100 years old or more. Between 50 and 100 years is "vintage" and up to 50 years is "retro". That's what Bargain hunt and Antiques Road Show have taught me!!! There are several shows now which work on snapping up plastic chairs and other such detritus and "upcycling" then selling to the crazy London over-earners at triple prices.

Of course, then there is just "junk"... YAM xx

Coppa's girl said...

27º at just gone 7 a.m. when we went out for our morning walk, so another hot day forecast. At the moment there is a strong cooling wind, so windows and doors wide open to make the best of it !
By today's standards, anything over ten years old is probably classed as an "antique". Seems strange that items and fashions I knew in my youth are now genuine antiques - including myself of course ! I wonder if Avocado bathrooms and orange rugs will ever become the "in" thing again !

Angus said...

When we first arrived here the sound of cigales used to fill the air. Heard , like you, a couple on Wednesday amid the heat, since then nothing. Something has disrupted their habitat. The bees - 0f many varieties - thankfully remain in force .

~Kim at Golden Pines~ said...

Cooler here this morning as well and the dogs are more willing to go outside here as well.

You are right about the elastic term, antique. The words 'retro,' and 'vintage' are used much more here along with retro-style.

Emm said...

Glad your weather is moderating.
That's a very interesting map, and loss of certain markets in a trade spat could come as quite a shock to some. Although I'm still trying to figure out "nonferrous metals" from Florida?

Emm said...

I went googling and found a page called Cicada Mania, which said, "There are over 3,000 species of cicadas, and each has its own unique behavior. . . .Temperature also affects whether or not they will sing. If it is too cold, or too hot cicadas won’t sing. . . ."