At the frozen food store we stop off to buy some Naans. They're made in the UK and have been hard to find. Something to do with shipments being held up at customs because of Brexit. France and Britain seem to be squaring up over some esoteric fishing dispute so it might be a good idea to stock up with them while we still can. Fishing accounts for a tiny portion of both the UK and French economies but there's nothing like a good dispute with a neighbour to boost a governments popularity among the 'nationalist' crowd.
The bakers wife tells us there's a fresh batch of croissants in the oven. They'll take another ten minutes. We settle for the batch cooked an hour ago. The bakers wife brings out two to compensate for any disappointment. I'd score them 8.2/10. Sophie thinks double croissants should be scored on volume over quality and gives them a double 24/10 score. Her tail goes wild.
After double croissant there is a lengthy walk by the river . The houseboats have all gone and we have the place to ourselves. At one point a lively young black labrador appears. He looks at Sophie and then disappears as quickly as he arrived.
A very Swedish website for axes. They run courses and make different varieties! :
A very Swedish website for axes. They run courses and make different varieties! :
Hari OM
...but surely with The Font's prowess in the kitchen, the making of naan ought to be a doddle?! Truly, home made is waaaaaay better than any pre-made and packaged variety. Trust me on this. YAM xx
No walk for us yet today - it's raining. My computer tells me it will stop, but not when! The temperature has risen by 5º in the past hour, so hopefully even if it's wet it will be mild.
24/10 - oh wow! Inca is green with envy!
Yesterday my friend and I met at our usual eatery on a different day and at a later time, foregoing our usual breakfast coffee and croissant in favour of sharing a pizza for lunch. Big mistake, it was the worst pizza we'd ever had, even Inca didn't fancy it! We came to the conclusion that it had been re-heated at least twice and the knife wouldn't cut through the concrete pastry. When we complained we were met with shrugged shoulders and total indifference. It's a place where we've had breakfast croissants - of varying quality, for years. Time to find a new venue. Sadly it's such a long way to come up to your part of the world to sample the 8.2/10!
A lovely smile to start the weekend. And it's nice to know that Loic is back at work. Charlie loves leaves above all else, so I am sure that he would love Loic. I am surprised to say that I found the axe company site completely fascinating, and they seem like such decent people, I'd love to buy an axe from them if I had any use for an axe.
Just wondering why Angus was browsing websites selling axes...
The axe company has an inspiring outlook. It gave me much to think about in addition to hand forged axes.
Sophie appears to be laughing in the last picture; a happy girl.
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