Thursday, July 7, 2022

Bee keepers.

This morning the cafe is hosting a group of early rising bee keepers. We know they are bee keepers because one of their trucks is carrying half a dozen ( presumably empty ) hives . If that wasn't a big enough clue the truck also has a sign on the back saying ' Caution. Stay clear ! Bees '. 

Coffee, bowl of water and croissant finished we opt for something round and exotic looking to take home for lunch.  The woman behind the counter can't remember what flavour it is but she thinks it might be raspberry ... or strawberry. She looks at the colour and volunteers that it might also have an orangey taste. That pretty much covers all the bases.

Angus chooses  a caramel eclair to compliment the exotic looking round thing.

Back in the village The Rickety Old Farmhouse now sits surrounded by fields of sunflowers.

Angus has  to  return to London today to talk to folks in dark suits. He is not looking forward to the journey. It's hot, the flight is full and you can be sure no one will be wearing a mask ... apart from yours truly. Tomorrows return flight has been delayed until nine  which means a midnight arrival into Toulouse. There is only one topic of conversation in Britain at the moment.


Virginia said...

What extraordinary skills, so many centuries ago... and to think there are people who consider themselves so 'superior' to those ancient cultures! Thank you.

I hope you het through the airports safely... triple-masked, perhaps!

Coppa's girl said...

There must be few things nicer than to live in a Rickety Old Farmhouse, in deepest France Profonde, surrounded by fields of sunflowers.
The long overdue resignation in the UK brings to mind the old saying "Better the devil you know....."

Travel said...

I hope the pastries tasted as good as they look, 15 out of 10. Safe travels, I am off to visit terminally ill family for a few days.

Jake of Florida said...

That topic has overtaken our media as I read this.

rottrover said...

That last photo of the sunflowers and the ROF in the background is mesmerising. I can't stop looking at it. Until my eye is inevitably drawn to the bird poop front and center. I'll imagine it was left by some exotic French bird only present during high summer! Safe travels!

Gemma's person said...

Can I guess watermelon? Let us know.
What are the round balls on top of the caramel one?
Thank you for the pictures of the delicacies.