Tuesday, July 19, 2022

Morning dousing

The man on the weather forecast warns of an 'apocalypse of heat'. This is perhaps a little extreme but there's no denying that in a country where air conditioning is a relative rarity these temperatures are distinctly uncomfortable. This morning the heat is accompanied by a strong wind that's stripping the leaves off the plane trees. The garden is now looking more desiccated than dry.  Upstairs in The Rickety Old Farmhouse the air in the hallway is in the high 20's. Down on the ground floor, shielded by two metre thick walls, it's a more bearable 20. Two of the fans chose this morning to give up the ghost. It goes without saying that replacements are unavailable on any of the big retailers websites.

A long cavalcade of vintage cars rumbles carefully through the village. I'm on my way down to the bakers when they pass. I prudently pull in to the side and wait for them to go by. Each and every driver waves and smiles. There must be sixty of them. Would you want to take a vintage car out in this heat ? Why would you get up so early ? 

While I'm waiting my eldest brother phones to talk about the heat on the Western Isles. It's 17 degrees.

Black and white C-A-T watches unconcernedly as Angus rigs up the pool shower for 'The Fonts' morning dousing. The problem is that the well water in the irrigation system pipes has been super heated by the sun but  the temperature quickly changes when the water from the chill sub-aquifer makes it to the shower head. 'The Font' is hugely surprised by this abrupt temperature change. 'The Font' also notices that the well water smells of sulphur. We both agree that when it comes to showering in well water beggars can't be choosers.

In this heat black and white C-A-T is far too comfortable to think of moving. Sophie hasn't even made it past the front door. A girl knows when it's simply too hot to do anything.

Things to think about in the heat. Thankfully, we have set aside a large shady area with deep leaves and lots of large shade giving acanthus for our ever expanding hedgehog population :https://twitter.com/hedgehogsociety/status/1548944426818584578

Bizarre fact of the day :https://twitter.com/stats_feed/status/1549042658890227712


The Life of Riley said...

Hopefully you or "The Font" have left a bowl of fresh water (and maybe a weel bit of leftover PON food if there ever is such a thing!) at the end of the pool for your resident C-A-T during the current heatvwave. Have the high summer temperatures, this year and last, influenced your decision to stay or go within the 30 day sale period you mentioned for the ROFH recently?

The Life of Riley said...

That was, "wee bit"

WFT Nobby said...

The thirsty hedgehog is VERY cute.
'Heatwave' conditions in Aberdeen mean that for the first time ever I cycled back from my pilates class wearing just shorts and a t-shirt at 9pm yesterday evening. And everyone out and about is smiling and enjoying the mid-20s temperatures!

Lisa in France said...

I certainly hope the weather improves, but if not, it seems everyone will be wanting to move to Scotland (except maybe C-A-T, who looks quite satisfied).

Coppa's girl said...

I use a garden hose with a shower attachment after I've had a swim. The transition from warm to freezing cold always catches me unaware, although in this intense heat I just stand there and enjoy it!
Sadly, no sign of any hedgehogs here - I think they've all moved on due to intense building in and around town, as have most of the wildlife. There are woods nearby and I hope that they have all found refuge there.

Tigger's Mum said...

Sulphur - also called brimstone - makes us wonder what depth your well water comes from.