Friday, July 22, 2022

The great day arrives

The Tour de France came through the village in 1983. An event still spoken about by some of the older villagers. This time it's passing by on the outskirts. Two neighbouring villages to the north will, briefly,  be at the centre of national attention. 

In The Rickety Old Farmhouse letter box we find a one page ' information bulletin '. This informs us that this will be the last of the village information bulletins. In future there will be a new communal internet site  to present village news and 'activites de l'intercommunalite'. The new site is currently ' en fin d'elaboration'. Angus wonders how many villagers have a computer. He also wonders just how long ' en fin d'elaboration ' means.

The electricians come to service the pump that draws up water from the well. Sophie soon discovers the electricians aren't bearing gifts of Jaffa Cakes. She ignores them and opts for a napette at the front door surrounded by irrigation paraphenalia.

This morning we stop to explore the village solar light. A mute testament to the power of ' we have money left in the budget'. It stands in splendid isolation and sheds its light over the patched parcel of grass next door to the village hall lavatories.

Then there's time for a quick chat with the old mayor before we head off for our morning croissant. Todays offering a 9.2/10. Light, fluffy, ever so slightly buttery and with a satisfying crunch to the texture of the crust. The municipal refuse workers once again greet Sophie by name but ignore her human adjunct.

Last night we dine, virtually, in Rome. Angus can't help but think that prices have been adjusted for the strong US dollar :


Virginia said...

Yikes! That’s certainly on the steep side! I wonder if the kerbside eateries have hiked their prices equally? Many years ago we stayed right beside the Sorbonne and there were lots of great places nearly, definitely not at those prices!

WFT Nobby said...

Nobby and I will be glued to the live stream of the T de F this afternoon at round about 2 pm UK time!
I didn't get further than at 25 Euro carrot starter...
Cheers, Gail.

potty said...

Sod's Law will make the time that the T d F will pass through 'your corner or village' will be during an advert break.

Diary of a Nobody said...

The TDF has passed through the next village to us twice , both times requiring a major overhaul of the village centre , and both times they wizzed through so fast it was a blurr . The build up was exciting though .

Coppa's girl said...

Whizzed through the menu with a look of total incomprehension on my face! 25€ for a carrot or two, (1:25€ for a kilo bag here!) and what are all the other fancy things I've never heard of! Of course, Rome has always been prohibitively expensive, tourists are forever complaining about the exorbitant cost of a simple ice cream!
I'll try to remember to watch TDF and hope to spot you and Sophie waving on the side-lines - much more fun to see you than the boring cyclists!

Travel said...

Eager awaiting the next post, with a blur of bikes. If I met you, would I say Hi to Sophie first?

Fay said...

I laughed at Gail's comment, as I too stopped at the 25 Euro carrots. I also smiled at Travel's comment! Dogs are a magnet! And Sophie, in particular.

Poppy Q said...

Wow thats one pricey dinner.