Thursday, August 8, 2024

A gentle pace of life.

The Metropolitan Police Commissioner is on the radio this morning discussing the failed recent riots. He says that a number of perpetrators have been identified by their tattoos and will wake this morning to find the police on their doorstep . They will ' have their collars felt '. This is a peculiarly Victorian phrase.

We're greeted by the sight of a group of folk sploshing rather than swimming in the water below the fish restaurant. Their presence a reminder that this is the height of Scotlands brief but beautiful summer. The swimmers seem happy enough although the temperature of the sea must be 'bracing'.

The municipal flower beds looking their best ahead of the womens golf tournament. Down the coast from The Last Wee House before Denmark final preparations are being made for the concerts that will follow each days play. A tournament 'village' is appearing around the farm shop out by the golf range.  25,000 ticket holders are expected every day. Posters for the opening artist are already appearing :  . Angus must admit he's never heard of the gentleman in question but there again there is much about modern music that remains unexplored territory.

Back here in the village the barley fields are ripening fast. For miles in every direction we're surrounded by a sea of gold. Strangely, all the birds with the exception of a the swallows and a few local ravens seem to have flown off. Even the sparrows have gone. I'm guessing they're using the good weather to go grubbing in the untouched fields further inland.

The wet weather seems to have made this a banner year for poppies.

In the sunshine the village life is tranquil. Those three or four glorious weeks of  calm before the harvest begins and the pace of life moves back into top gear.


Jake of Florida said...

89 days. The vibes are definitely different. Laughter suddenly on the agenda. And hope and joy. Who knew?

WFT Nobby said...

Vibrant poppies and a refreshing breeze sending ripples across the sunlit fields of barley. Eastern Scotland is the place to be right now!

Linda said...

The barley fields outside our house were harvested a week ago, a week earlier than usual. They're winter feed barley, whereas I'm guessing the barley beside you in prime Fife land is spring barley for malting, which has a later harvest. Unlike your sparrows, our large flock have been feasting on the barley before the harvest.

Yamini MacLean said...

Hari OM
I've been enjoying watching the fields change colour over the past two weeks of pretty decent (for Scotland) weather. I've even paddled in those North Sea waves! I was contemplating another St A's run... but it's looking a bit busy. Laters... YAM xx

rottrover said...

it's amazing that St. Andrews can expand and contract by 25,000 people with just a little planning and some new flowers! And yes, the 'vibes' are noticeably different here. There is hope in the air; and yes, joy. Laughter and energy as well.