Tuesday, August 20, 2024

Consumer buying habits.


A really strange story about a 56 metre long super yacht being sunk by a typhoon off Sicily. 1 person is confirmed as dead and 6 are missing. The surface temperature of the sea was 86F which was 3 degrees above the highest level ever  recorded there. Typhoons strong enough to sink a large yacht are unusual in Europe. Two of the people missing I would recognize by sight having seen them speak at conferences. 

Cloudy and humid this morning. The German family have gone back home. Their academic house swap over for this year.  They will drive to Newcastle and take a ferry to Amsterdam from there. The Scots family should be back from Heidelberg tomorrow . I wonder if they too have set off at four am or have opted for a later departure?

Twenty geese  have overnighted on the long grass by the sea. They head off as we walk down the track to the coast. The geese fly off low and slow in the direction of Edinburgh and the allure of the South. We both silently wish them well . This is not sentimentality but fresh every morning amazement at their resilience. 

After months of being obscured by plywood hoardings the new Christmas shop window is finally revealed in all its glory. The frame has yet to be painted but it would be pernickety to point that out. The Christmas shop seems to be busy throughout the year which says something about consumer buying habits - although I'm not sure what.

A small menagerie of foxes and snow white rabbits peer out from  an arctic backdrop on early rising locals and jet lagged lady golfers looking for the local Starbucks.

This mornings car radio music provided by a group of 14 year old American kids living in Scotland . Love the drums :https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WQ3ALLvllGM

How deep can a human dive ? :https://www.mcgill.ca/oss/article/student-contributors-did-you-know/how-deep-can-humans-really-go


WFT Nobby said...

Not even multimillionaire (billionaire?) tech tycoons with 56 metre long super yachts are immune from the impacts of climate change.

Anonymous said...

I would definitely stop in at the Christmas shop. We decided long ago that buying Christmas ornaments when we travel is a good way to remember the places we've been and also avoid buying other, less useful knick-knacks. There's something about traveling that sets off the frivolous shopping gene, at least for me. I enjoyed Scotland the Brave, although for me, it will always be my high school fight song. I went to Gov. Livingston High School, our team was the Highlanders, we had a marching bagpipe band and our mascots were two Scottish terriers. But being a clueless teenager, I never noticed there was a Scottish connection until reading one of your posts so many years later.

Lisa in France said...

That was me. Somehow I keep losing my Blogger header recently.

jabblog said...

We haven't heard the full story of the yacht's demise yet. More will be discovered as time passes.
The American boy's piping was superb, I thought.

rottrover said...

I, too enjoyed the bagpiper and the whole group.