Friday, August 23, 2024

Short shrift

Seven am. There's already a line of cars waiting for the strawberry hut to open . The strawberry hut has now moved from 'cash only' to Apple Pay which must be a sign that the business is doing well. The hard working Polish lady behind the counter tells us she hopes to keep harvesting until mid-October. Considering the weather and the shortening days that would be some sort of miracle. This morning 'The Font' also picks up two punnets of blueberries. The Polish lady has started producing her own range of strawberry jam. This is where the grade 2 berries that don't meet the 'look test' end up. 

Wealthy Pebble Beach golfing ladies may ( or may not ) be tempted by the latest fashion displayed in the couturiers window. A kilted, golf playing Tiger is an unusual fashion statement. Perhaps the best that can be said about it is that it's a conversation opener.

Half the population of Japan and Korea seems to have arrived overnight. The golf tournament is now moving towards its final, big money, climax. Despite the extremely changeable weather tickets for Friday and Saturday are almost sold out.  Heavy rain has led to delays so the first players once again tee off at seven.

The Police have been out setting out yet more traffic cones. Parking purgatory meets cone chaos. We walk up to the chapel to listen to the early morning organ recital.  This end of town is completely quiet. What a difference 400 yards can make.

One of the residents has  attached a hand written note to his windscreen saying " I live here ".  The traffic warden has given this information short shrift and ticketed him. The resident is refusing to move his car. I'll put money on it being towed by lunchtime.

Neither of us had heard this piece played on the radio this morning :

How others see us . What can I say ? Shortly after the 8:37 mark we get the comment ' Nice grass' :


Coppa's girl said...

Well the strawberry lady and the traffic cone manufacturers seem to be doing very well!

WFT Nobby said...

I'm happily imagining the golf -playing tiger putting in an appearance in the Gangnam district of Seoul at some point in the future!
If the lifestyle of my former professional golf playing friend Muriel (now a keen cyclist) is anything to go by, there are good livings to be made in ladies golf.
Cheers, Gail.

Jake of Florida said...

Angus, just wondering if you and the Font have checked out our new presidential candidate. I think she's been sorely underestimated until now.

Yamini MacLean said...

Hari Om that Tiger playing with his Wood..? YAM xx

waterdog said...

I watched some of the women’s golf tournament yesterday. The wind looked wicked and played havoc with some of the shots.

Travel said...

If the strawberries are in poly tunnels, with a little heat and a colony of bees, you could have a long season.

Lisa in France said...

Golf does sometimes seem to bring out the sartorial sillies.

rottrover said...


Lizzie said...

The two links were most enjoyable. Thank you!