Wednesday, August 7, 2024

Napping in the sun.


Close study of this picture will show how one Council refuse operative dealt with the heat. It reached 26 degrees yesterday.

Could Rome, rather than Britain, have had the industrial revolution ? :

Making sense of what's been happening in Bangladesh :

Where the hipsters go to eat :

This mornings car radio music :


WFT Nobby said...

I have far too little knowledge of Roman history to say which of the theories about the first industrial revolution (first link) are best supported, but find the different ways of considering this topic fascinating. Thanks!

Stephanie said...

Thank you for the Handel, a glorious beginning to my day.

Travel said...

Wise man in high vis, on a hot day.

rottrover said...

I see that 26C roughly translates to a little over 78F. That looks to be the perfect spot for a bit of sun in your unpredictable climate!