Thursday, August 22, 2024

School starts and the golfers face the elements.

The  couple In the cottage near the village hall have returned from their house swap in Germany. We are told that they found their home in a 'spotless' condition. Plans are already underway to repeat the swap next year. The couples children started school yesterday. For them,  it was literally back from holiday and straight into school uniform. That's a sensible , if frenetic, way of doing things.

For two of the village youngsters it was a red letter day. Their first day at  the local Nursery School. The children seem to have enjoyed the experience. Tonight there will be pizza and ice cream for a special 'second day at school' dinner. Some rites of passage, it seems, are timeless.

In town the golf tournament is battling against the weather. Wednesday was one of those rain one minute, sunshine the next type days. Through it all the wind made its presence known. This morning there's a dozen or so golf tourists standing outside Starbucks. They're from Atlanta. On our way back to the car we see that the golf shoes on the bar window ledge have been spruced up for the daily post-match influx of visitors.

Golf titles in the window of the bookstore. Seems that books in the ' I played St Andrews and it changed my life'  are popular as gifts for the folks back home .

Rich golfers in their Rolls Royces are an unusual sight in this town of Volvos and Renaults. Presbyterians are of the belief that 'wealth whispers'. There are no less than five Ferraris in the car park outside the Jehovahs Witnesses hall.

The first of the days golfers have teed off by seven. In the distance we can see them heading towards the third hole.  It's too early in the morning for many spectators to be up and about .

The Police have been busy with traffic cones.

In the process they've closed down much of the parking in town.

We shall visit the butcher and cheesemonger and be gone by eight.

On the radio this morning. I've never heard this sung in Gaelic. It bears little resemblance to the version sung at rugby matches :


WFT Nobby said...

I have a suspicion that books in the 'I played golf at St Andrews and it changed my life' category are not well represented on Angus's shelves.

Lisa in France said...

The song was beautiful. Many French people also seem to follow the "wealth whispers" principle. Our neighborhood in Tokyo was packed with Rolls Royces and Ferraris, here I saw my first Rolls just last week, almost certainly a summer visitor.

jabblog said...

That was a beautiful, sweet rendition.

Travel said...

Cars that shout LOOK AT ME! Enjoy the week.

Lizzie said...

Definitely not a day to drive into town. All those pretentious cars. However, I still like the collection of golf shoes