Sunday, August 4, 2024

Educational technique.

From down here on the beach we can see a line of long, low tents stretching across the horizon. Seems that the preparations for the golf tournament are finally complete. The workmen who've been busy putting up the infrastructure have gone and been replaced by stern security men with walkie talkies. The security men all wear black one piece overalls that have an ever so slightly menacing 1980's 'Man from Uncle ' look to them. The area around the clubhouse is packed solid with pastel clad ladies from Ohio practising their putting. 

No doubting that summer is here . Strawberry tarts have taken over from fudge donuts as the big draw in the bakers. The lady behind the counter tells me the strawberries are local and come from the farm at the top of the hill. I buy four. The strawberries I'm also told have to be of a certain size and shape to fill the pastry cup. " It's nae as easy as it looks but it's a big order for the farmer ".

Early August is the time when the town is busy with groups of European pre-teens here on school trips. A safe and quiet place to come and learn English . I wonder what the kids ( and their teachers ) must make of the local dialect. Today, a group of little Italians have settled down in a sunny spot on the cobblestones outside the university lecture theatres. It's barely six thirty and you'd think they could have found somewhere warmer and more comfortable to congregate. Their teachers must subscribe to the sensible ' get them up early, tire them out early' mantra. The little Italians each have a notebook and are busy sketching the street scape. For eleven year olds they seem slightly subdued which shows the teachers educational approach might be working.


Coppa's girl said...

The strawberry tarts are the nearest I've seen to all those scrumptious pastries you had in France. I hope they tasted as good as they looked!

WFT Nobby said...

Nobby says forget the golf, the big event in your neck of the woods this weekend is The Kingdom of Fife Dog Agility Show, taking place at Balcormo Mains, just a couple of miles inland from Lundin Links. And Nobby is proud to announce that he's just won his first ever rosette (third place, Grade1Jumping!)

Gemma's person said...

Congrats Nobby!
The strawberry tarts and box would make a great art photo for hanging.

Travel said...

Here is hoping the security men recognize the locals belong and are no threat. The tarts look wonderful.

Jake of Florida said...

Congrats Nobby!

Stephanie said...

Hurray for Nobby! I keep returning for one more look at the strawberry tarts.

rottrover said...

Congratulations, Nobby! We saw star quality in you from the very beginning :-) And, we'll take a half-dozen strawberry tarts, thanks!

Camille said...

Hurry for Nobby! And yes indeed, those strawberry tarts look wonderful. Hope they tasted as well as they looked.