Tuesday, August 13, 2024

The doughty smell of faith.

Thunder and rain followed by sunshine . The combination  makes for a  decidedly humid start to the day.

We drive off into the country.  'The Font' is a believer in doing something new every day. The logic of this is that we end up heading off in search of ever more remote and ever more esoteric things to see.  Single track roads are something we're used to navigating but southern tourists find the concept of 'Passing Places' difficult to comprehend.  Even short journeys can take a surprising amount of time while we reverse and manoeuvre so that others can squeeze their cars by. We go thirteen miles but it takes forty five minutes.

Our destination today is an old church with a strange barn like structure behind it. The barn roof has an unusual fluted shape. Wikipedia tells us it it's the resting place of the 9th Earl of Lindsay but the tomb inside is for the 20th Earl . I'm guessing the barn is pre-reformation and was left standing when the old church was replaced by the current one.

The church, unusually, is open. More and more of them are closed to stop pilfering.  In the entrance hall a 15th century stone effigy of a knight has been squeezed into the right hand corner . Perhaps it's the 9th Earl ? A hand written note, hidden under a jungle of church notices, says the knight was found buried head down in the churchyard during excavations in the 19th century. It was moved here for safe keeping. This raises more questions than answers. Why go to all the trouble of burying it ? Why was it buried head down ?

The church retains its box pews. The ones on either side of the central aisle have tables. Why ? Not many of these old box pews survived the 1950's and 60's fashion for chairs. These ones will soon be gone. Planning permission has been requested to rip everything out and turn the kirk into a community centre. The place smells of generations and generations of furniture wax. The doughty smell of faith.

Wonderful Perseid meteor showers last night. Sitting out on the rocks by the sea the views are spectacular. The clouds stay away until eleven but return soon after. Eyes peer at us from the safety of the long wheat. The young deer are irritated that their domain has been invaded by two ageing humans that should know better than go galavanting around on the rocks in the dark .

No doubting this is golf country. Even the weather vanes are golf themed. This one is recognizable as the Spanish golfer Seve Ballesteros. Perhaps he lived here ?


WFT Nobby said...

Well done for getting out to spot the Perseids. I'm sure the deer will get over the intrusion.

jabblog said...

I didn't know Coca-Cola originally contained cocaine.
The report on human experimentation was truly shocking.

Anonymous said...

It is good to finally know the true story of Coca Cola, although it's not a happy tale. The other article you linked is truly shocking.

Travel said...

A bit of a shame to rip out the old interior, Christ Church in old town Alexandria Virginia, still has the box pews, you can sit in General Washington's when you come visit (let me know if you do, I live nearby and would love to buy you a drink.)

Gemma's person said...

I rather like the box pews for restaurant tables. 6 ft of space or so. Woke pews.

rottrover said...

A beautiful sunrise this morning. Cocaine was also an ingredient in coke because of it's addictive qualities - people would buy more. There were many human experiments in the US during the early part of the 20th century. People who were intellectually impaired and girls who might be deemed "promiscuous". There was also the Tuskegee experiments in which Black prisoners were injected with syphilis cultures but were told the injections were placebo, or would cure already existing infections. This practice was carried on from 1942 to 1972. Most of these experiments were carried out on Black people, women, and children with "bad behavior". Just a little fun information on this Tuesday morning...

Stephanie said...

I envy your ability to watch the Perseids last night. It was our first recent unclouded night but we had a bear roaming about enjoying the plum trees so opted to stay inside. It's always something.

rottrover said...

Sorry, the girls, people with low IQ's and young boys who were too "wild" would be sterilized.

Jake of Florida said...

So hard to read all the wrongs done in the name of scientific research. We've heard about some of those experiments. The magnitude and nature of them all is beyond shocking.