Sunday, August 25, 2024

Squiffy roof tiles.

Last day of the big golf tournament. The main beach has been closed for the last ten days so the local dog owners and their pooches have relocated to the smaller sandy beach by the harbour. ' Back to normal tomorrow ' we say to the chef from the towns sole Chinese restaurant. He is accompanied by his Puli. The Puli has its hair tied above its head in a most un-Puli like bob. This has the sole advantage of keeping the hair out of its eyes. We're not sure the Chinese chef speaks any English. He nods in reply.

A yacht heads out of the harbour. We stand and watch it . It's not often our morning walk is punctuated with this much excitement.

A woman , presumably the wife of the skipper, closes  the lock gates,  and then rushes - waving -  along the quayside towards the yacht. ' I'm coming - I'm coming ' she shouts out in case her husband forgets she's there and sets off without her. The yacht pulls in close to the harbour wall where she leaps onto the bow of the boat. Leaping while wearing a life vest is rarely a graceful proposition.

The local museum has been closed for the summer so that the heavily wood wormed roof beams can be replaced. After months of work ( wood worm is always worse than it's thought to be ) the scaffolding has been taken down.  'The Font' notes that the roof pantiles on the left are laid in straight lines which then become increasingly squiffy the further to the right you go.

We manage to get a table outside Starbucks . As we leave two courtesy vans for the golf tournament arrive. By the time we're 50 yards down the road a long queue has developed that stretches all the way along the pavement. 

Some Sunday morning Bruckner :

They found a synagogue in the back :

Have you noticed how few insects there are this year ? :

A German visitors view of the US. Do you agree or disagree ? ( I see many people think he was being rude - but he seems to have been making simple observations ) :


WFT Nobby said...

Love the tranquil Sunday morning music offering.
I suspect if the German chap had ventured beyond New York and Las Vegas some of his impressions would have been a bit different but his first point, about different attitudes to talking about one's financial successes, is spot on, as is his point regarding the out of control tipping culture!
Cheers, Gail.

Coppa's girl said...

I see what 'The Font' means about the "squiffy" tiles - a Friday afternoon job after a very liquid lunch!

Lisa in France said...

Well, I read the German visitor's observations to my Japanese husband at breakfast, and he just sat there nodding his head.

Pam in NH said...

I have a new German neighbor who likes rural America but always complains that our food has too much sugar. Bread is too sweet for her, plus loads of foods that never need sugar. She has to eat much less to not gain weight.

Travel said...

Back to normal very soon.

I'm a Sophie Doodle Dog said...

I thoroughly enjoy your daily postings. Life in my corner of the world, in the open, flat corn and soybean fields near the University of Illinois, seems quite sedate compared to life in Scotland. Thank you for taking the time to share your day!

Stephanie said...

I've not noticed a lack of insects on the Northern California coast but yes to a dramatic increase in mosquitoes this year. We have swathes of blooming oregano covered with bees. Looking at yesterday's comments, I'm so sad that Jake of Florida has lost dear Joey. The loss of a beloved pet turns our hearts upside down.

Jake of Florida said...

Stephanie,, thank you. He was a mischievous adventure. And yes, my heart is upside down and inside out!

Anonymous said...

I agree with the German man’s observations.