Tuesday, August 6, 2024

Seasonal complaint.


The ongoing right wing riots fill the morning news bulletins. Seems the 'Proud Boy' constituency exists in the UK. A lot of those guys ( and they're almost always guys ) who have been stirring up hatred online don't seem to recognize they leave a digital footprint. They are in for a surprise.

Here in the village the local policeman is pinning up a list on the village noticeboard. It shows the number of calls the constabulary have received so far this year. Illegal parking is the issue that generates the ire of most residents. This is the seasonal  'Some idiots parked in front of my driveway and I can't get out' complaint. 

Volunteers are needed for the Community Speedwatch scheme. This enables participants to wear a day glo jacket and note down the number of speeding vehicles. Training is required. ' The Font' thinks a role that involves a clipboard, a low - but constant - level of grumpiness and a high visibility  jacket would suit Angus down to the ground.

The other big story involves an 8 year old boy who plans to visit 50 Scottish Police stations in order to raise money for the Police Benevolent Fund. He's already visited our local police station. The Duty Sergeant played ping-pong with him. 

This is not a country Elon Musk would recognize.

The tide out in the harbour this morning. Continental motor homes line the parking spots by the old abbey walls. Alongside the usual Irish and French registration plates we see Norwegian and German ones. How exotic.

Progress at the Tiger Woods/ Justin Timberlake sports bar. A planning application has been posted asking for a license to serve alcohol between the hours of eleven in the morning and eleven at night. There will doubtless be some locals who consider the sale of alcohol at eleven at night to be a prelude to the whole town becoming a latter day Sodom and Gomorrah.


WFT Nobby said...

Many residents of Rotherham and Middlesbrough and other 'left behind' towns in the UK must envy a community where illegal parking is the biggest problem right now.
The 'thinking plant' article looks fascinating and will be returned to later.
Thanks once again for proving such stimulating links.
Cheers, Gail.

jabblog said...

Can we expect to hear soon that Angus has gained his hi-vis jacket?
Well done to the little boy on his mission - a future Chief Constable, maybe.

Yamini MacLean said...

Hari OM
St Monans and Anstruther look like crime hotspots on that list! I'll have to remember that as I pass through Fife again. I do like to read the community boards wherever I park up; one learns a great deal very quickly about where one has landed! YAM xx

waterdog said...

I love your blog! I miss the puppy antic stories, but even without a dog life in your little corner of the world is made to seem less mundane than mine.
Your links are always thought-provoking, but today’s definitely call for a more intensive reading later today.
I join the calls to see Angus in a day-glo traffic vest!
Thank you so much for your blog!
JoAnn in Maryland

Travel said...

A low level of grumpiness, I might qualify to join you.

Diaday said...

Young Anthony raising money for the Police Benevolent Fund is such a heartwarming story. Well done, fine sir.